Lets add a column to SiteAdmin (http://localhost:4502/siteadmin) grid. The Template Path column we are going to add displays template path of page ( Clear browser cache, adjust columns size, if the template path column added doesn't fit in grid )
These steps were also tested on AEM 6 SP1
Package Install
Default SiteAdmin Grid
Extended SiteAdmin Grid
Related Posts
1) If you are trying to modify a column of grid, check this post
2) To add a column to siteadmin search panel check this post
Solution - 1
1) Login to CRXDE Lite, create folder (nt:folder) /apps/gridcolumnadd
2) Create clientlib (type cq:ClientLibraryFolder) /apps/gridcolumnadd/clientlib and set a property categories of String type to cq.widgets
3) Create file ( type nt:file ) /apps/gridcolumnadd/clientlib/js.txt, add the following
4) Create file ( type nt:file ) /apps/gridcolumnadd/clientlib/addcolumn.js, add the following code
CQ.Ext.ns("ExperienceAEM"); ExperienceAEM.SiteAdminGrid = { SA_GRID: "cq-siteadmin-grid", TEMPLATE_PATH: "templatePath", addPathColumn: function(grid){ var cm = grid.getColumnModel(); var tPathColumn = new CQ.Ext.grid.Column({ "header": "Template Path", "id":"templatePath", "dataIndex":"templatePath", "renderer": function(v, params, record) { return v; } }); cm.columns.push(tPathColumn); cm.lookup[this.TEMPLATE_PATH] = tPathColumn; grid.doLayout(); } }; (function(){ if(window.location.pathname !== "/siteadmin"){ return; } var s = ExperienceAEM.SiteAdminGrid; var SA_INTERVAL = setInterval(function(){ var grid = CQ.Ext.getCmp(s.SA_GRID); if(grid && ( grid.rendered == true)){ var cm = grid.getColumnModel(); if(cm && cm.columns){ clearInterval(SA_INTERVAL); s.addPathColumn(grid); } } }, 250); })();
Solution - 2
Not preferred, as it results in not minifying /libs/cq/ui/widgets/source/widgets/wcm/SiteAdmin.js
1) Use overlay architecture of CQ to overlay the file /libs/cq/ui/widgets/source/widgets/wcm/SiteAdmin.js. Create file /apps/cq/ui/widgets/source/widgets/wcm/SiteAdmin.js and add the following code
CQ.Ext.ns("MyClientLib"); MyClientLib.SiteAdminGrid = { SA_GRID: "cq-siteadmin-grid", addPathColumn: function(grid){ var cm = grid.getColumnModel(); var tPathColumn = new CQ.Ext.grid.Column({ "header": "Template Path", "id":"templatePath", "dataIndex":"templatePath", "renderer": function(v, params, record) { return v; } }); cm.columns.push(tPathColumn); cm.lookup[this.TEMPLATE_PATH] = tPathColumn; grid.doLayout(); } }; CQ.shared.HTTP.get("/libs/cq/ui/widgets/source/widgets/wcm/SiteAdmin.js"); (function(){ var s = MyClientLib.SiteAdminGrid; if(window.location.pathname == "/siteadmin"){ var SA_INTERVAL = setInterval(function(){ var grid = CQ.Ext.getCmp(s.SA_GRID); if(grid && ( grid.rendered == true)){ var cm = grid.getColumnModel(); if(cm && cm.columns){ clearInterval(SA_INTERVAL); s.addPathColumn(grid); } } }, 250); } })();
2) Here we are loading ootb SiteAdmin.js to create the default siteadmin grid (line 22) and later add the path column
Hi Sreekanth,
ReplyDeletewe need your help regarding in damadmin we need custom menu-list like below, please help us to achieve this.
Please find the below link for screenshot.