Add a new plugin to RichText Editor. Here we add the Pull Quote plugin for inserting text that can be formatted/styled during component rendering. Source code, Package Install and Demo Video are available for download. Please leave a comment if you find bugs.
1) Login to CRXDE Lite, create folder (nt:folder) /apps/rte-pull-quote
2) Create clientlib (type cq:ClientLibraryFolder) /apps/rte-pull-quote/clientlib and set a property categories of String type to cq.widgets
3) Create file ( type nt:file ) /apps/rte-pull-quote/clientlib/js.txt, add the following
4) Create folder (nt:folder) /apps/rte-pull-quote/clientlib/js
5) Create file (type nt:file) /apps/rte-pull-quote/clientlib/js/rtepullquote.js, add the following code
CQ.Ext.ns("MyClientLib"); MyClientLib.PullQuote = { ADD_QUOTE_CMD : "addquote", REMOVE_QUOTE_CMD : "removequote", DEFAULT_PATTERN: "[pullquote:(align=<align>,text=<text>)]" }; MyClientLib.PullQuote.Plugin = new Class({ toString: "PullQuotePlugin", extend: CUI.rte.plugins.Plugin, P: MyClientLib.PullQuote, addQuoteUI: null, removeQuoteUI: null, getFeatures: function() { return [ this.P.ADD_QUOTE_CMD, this.P.REMOVE_QUOTE_CMD ]; }, initializeUI: function(tbGenerator) { var plg = CUI.rte.plugins; if (this.isFeatureEnabled(this.P.ADD_QUOTE_CMD)) { this.addQuoteUI = tbGenerator.createElement(this.P.ADD_QUOTE_CMD, this, true, "Add/Modify Pull Quote"); tbGenerator.addElement("format", plg.Plugin.SORT_FORMAT,this.addQuoteUI,1000); } if (this.isFeatureEnabled(this.P.REMOVE_QUOTE_CMD)) { this.removeQuoteUI = tbGenerator.createElement(this.P.REMOVE_QUOTE_CMD, this, true,"Remove Pull Quote"); tbGenerator.addElement("format", plg.Plugin.SORT_FORMAT,this.removeQuoteUI,1001); } }, execute: function(cmd, value, env) { if (cmd == this.P.ADD_QUOTE_CMD) { this.showDialog(env.editContext); }else { this.editorKernel.relayCmd(MyClientLib.PullQuote.REMOVE_QUOTE_CMD, value); } }, showDialog: function(context) { var editorKernel = this.editorKernel, dm = editorKernel.getDialogManager(), pattern = this.config.pattern; if(!pattern){ pattern = this.P.DEFAULT_PATTERN; } var selection = CUI.rte.Selection.createProcessingSelection(context); var rteText = selection.startNode.data, initValue = { align : "LEFT", text : "" }; if(rteText){ //this parsing logic depends on pattern, so when you add new pattern for pullquote make //sure you modify the following code to suit your pattern try{ var start = rteText.lastIndexOf("[pullquote:", selection.startOffset); if( start !== -1 ){ var dIndex = rteText.indexOf(","); initValue.align = rteText.substring(rteText.indexOf("=",start) + 1, dIndex); initValue.text = rteText.substring(rteText.indexOf("=", dIndex) + 1, rteText.indexOf(")]")); } }catch(err){ CQ.Ext.Msg.alert("Error","Error parsing text with pattern : " + pattern); } } var dialogConfig = { "jcr:primaryType": "cq:Dialog", title: "Pull Quote", modal: true, width: 600, height: 400, items: [ { xtype: "panel", layout: "fit", padding: "20px 0 0 10px", items: [ { xtype: "panel", layout: "form", border: false, items: [ { xtype: 'radiogroup', columns: 4, fieldLabel: "Align", items: [{ boxLabel: ' Left', name: 'align', value: 'LEFT', checked: (initValue.align === "LEFT") }, { name: 'align', boxLabel: ' Right', value: 'RIGHT', checked: (initValue.align === "RIGHT") }, { name: 'align', boxLabel: ' Center', value: 'CENTER', checked: (initValue.align === "CENTER") }, { name: 'align', boxLabel: ' Justify', value: 'JUSTIFY', checked: (initValue.align === "JUSTIFY") }] },{ xtype: "textarea", height: 250, name: "text", fieldLabel: "Text", fieldDescription: "Enter quote text", anchor: "90%", value: initValue.text } ] } ] } ], ok: function() { var tBox = this.findByType("textarea")[0]; var rBox = this.findByType("radiogroup")[0]; if(!tBox.getValue()){ CQ.Ext.Msg.alert("Error","Enter text for quote"); return; } var value = { text: tBox.getValue(), align: rBox.getValue().value, pattern: pattern }; this.close(); editorKernel.relayCmd(MyClientLib.PullQuote.ADD_QUOTE_CMD, value); }, listeners: { show: function() { editorKernel.fireUIEvent("dialogshow"); }, hide: function() { editorKernel.fireUIEvent("dialoghide"); } } }; dm.show(CQ.WCM.getDialog(dialogConfig)); }, notifyPluginConfig: function(pluginConfig) { pluginConfig = pluginConfig || { }; CUI.rte.Utils.applyDefaults(pluginConfig, { "tooltips": { "addquote": { "title": "Add/Modify Pull Quote", "text": "Add/Modify Pull Quote" }, "removequote": { "title": "Remove Pull Quote", "text": "Remove Pull Quote" } } }); this.config = pluginConfig; }, updateState: function(selDef) { var rteText = selDef.selection.startNode.data; //this parsing logic depends on pattern, so when you add new pattern for pullquote make //sure you modify the following code to suit your pattern if(rteText && (rteText.lastIndexOf("[pullquote:", selDef.startOffset) !== -1)){ this.removeQuoteUI.setDisabled(false); }else{ this.removeQuoteUI.setDisabled(true); } this.addQuoteUI.setSelected(false); this.removeQuoteUI.setSelected(false); } }); CUI.rte.plugins.PluginRegistry.register("pullquote", MyClientLib.PullQuote.Plugin); MyClientLib.PullQuote.Cmd = new Class({ toString: "PullQuote", extend: CUI.rte.commands.Command, P: MyClientLib.PullQuote, isCommand: function(cmdStr) { return (cmdStr == this.P.ADD_QUOTE_CMD) || (cmdStr == this.P.REMOVE_QUOTE_CMD); }, getProcessingOptions: function() { var cmd = CUI.rte.commands.Command; return cmd.PO_SELECTION | cmd.PO_NODELIST; }, addPullQuote: function(execDef){ var value = execDef.value, selection = execDef.selection; var node = CUI.rte.DomProcessor.createNode(execDef.editContext, "span"); var rteText = selection.startNode.data; var start = rteText ? rteText.lastIndexOf("[pullquote:", selection.startOffset) : -1; if( start !== -1 ){ CUI.rte.Common.insertNode(node, selection.startNode, start); selection.startNode.parentNode.removeChild(selection.startNode); }else{ CUI.rte.Common.insertNode(node, selection.startNode, selection.startOffset); } if(value.pattern){ node.innerHTML = value.pattern.replace("<align>", value.align).replace("<text>", value.text); }else{ node.innerHTML = "[pullquote:(align=\"" + value.align + "\",text=\"" + value.text + "\")]"; } }, removePullQuote: function(execDef){ var selection = execDef.selection; var rteText = selection.startNode.data; var start = rteText.lastIndexOf("[pullquote:", selection.startOffset); if( start !== -1 ){ selection.startNode.parentNode.removeChild(selection.startNode); } }, execute: function(execDef) { if(execDef.command == this.P.ADD_QUOTE_CMD){ this.addPullQuote(execDef); }else{ this.removePullQuote(execDef); } } }); CUI.rte.commands.CommandRegistry.register("pullquote", MyClientLib.PullQuote.Cmd);
6) #185, #243 we are registering the plugin and necessary action command. #25, #30 creates the toolbar buttons for add, remove quotes
7) Let us add the not-so-great icons and necessary css. Create folder (nt:folder) /apps/rte-pull-quote/clientlib/themes
8) Create clientlib (type cq:ClientLibraryFolder) /apps/rte-pull-quote/clientlib/themes/default and set a property categories of String type to cq.widgets
9) Create file (nt:file) /apps/rte-pull-quote/clientlib/themes/default/css.txt, add the following
10) Create folder (nt:folder) /apps/rte-pull-quote/clientlib/themes/default/css and make sure you add the icons addquote.png and removequote.png
11) Create file (nt:file) /apps/rte-pull-quote/clientlib/themes/default/css/rtepullquote.css, add the following code. RTE looks for css classes x-edit-addquote and x-edit-removequote (for the plugin toolbar buttons added namely addquote and removequote )
#CQ .x-html-editor-tb .x-edit-addquote { background: url(addquote.png) center no-repeat; } #CQ .x-html-editor-tb .x-edit-removequote { background: url(removequote.png) center no-repeat; }
12) Add any text component with RichText editor and in the rtePlugins path of dialog (eg. /apps/rte-pull-quote/text/dialog/items/tab1/items/text/rtePlugins) add the pullquote node to enable pull quote plugins
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteHow do you suggest styling the pull-quote afterwards?
ReplyDeletewhere can i download the video from?
ReplyDeleteDoes this apply to the TouchUI as well?
ReplyDeleteHi Sreekanth Choudry Nalabotu,
ReplyDeleteNice tutorial
When you click ok button its showing text [pullquote:(align=LEFT,text=asdfasdf)] instead of showing quotes. Can you please help
Hi Sreekanth,
ReplyDeleteCan you get the code link for Touch UI compatible RTE pullquote plugin ?
Kiran Parab
Kiran, you can achieve this with ACS Commons dialog plugin - https://github.com/Adobe-Consulting-Services/acs-aem-commons/pull/546