Show Folders only in Touch UI Assets Console of AEM 6 SP1
This extension is not too friendly with Miller columns view, the show folder checkbox works only on first column
Demo | Package Install
1) Login to CRXDE Lite (http://localhost:4502/crx/de) and create folder /apps/touch-ui-assets-show-folders
2 Create node /apps/touch-ui-assets-show-folders/clientlib of type cq:ClientLibraryFolder and add a String property categories with value cq.gui.damadmin.admin
3) Create file (nt:file) /apps/touch-ui-assets-show-folders/clientlib/js.txt and add
4) Create file (nt:file) /apps/touch-ui-assets-show-folders/clientlib/show-folders.js and add the following code.
(function (document, $) { "use strict"; var FOUNDATION_CONTENT_LOADED = "foundation-contentloaded"; var CREATE_FOLDER_ACTIVATOR = ".cq-damadmin-admin-actions-createfolder-activator"; var E_AEM_SHOW_FOLDERS = "experience-aem-show-folders"; var AEM_ASSETS_CREATE = "#aem-assets-create"; $(document).on(FOUNDATION_CONTENT_LOADED, function(e){ if($("#" + E_AEM_SHOW_FOLDERS).length > 0){ return; } //if dynamic media is enabled /etc/dam/dynamicmediaconfig, the create folder changes to dropdown var $cFolder = $(AEM_ASSETS_CREATE) ; if($cFolder.length == 0){ $cFolder = $(CREATE_FOLDER_ACTIVATOR); } if($cFolder.length == 0){ return; } var $showFolderCheckBox = $("<span class='endor-ActionBar-item' style='line-height: 2.25em'>" + "<label class='coral-Checkbox coral-Form-field'>" + "<input type='checkbox' id='" + E_AEM_SHOW_FOLDERS + "' value='true' class='coral-Checkbox-input' />" + "<span class='coral-Checkbox-checkmark'></span>" + "<span class='coral-Checkbox-description'><b>Show Folders Only</b></span>" + "</label></span>"); var $articles, $assets, gridsHtml; $showFolderCheckBox.insertAfter($cFolder).find("#" + E_AEM_SHOW_FOLDERS).change(function(){ if(!$articles){ $articles = $("article"); $assets = $("[data-type='asset']"); } var hide = this.checked, $grids = $("div[class^='grid-']"); if($grids.length > 0 && !gridsHtml){ gridsHtml = $grids.parent().html(); } if(hide){ $assets.hide(); }else{ $assets.show(); } var $cards = $.find(".foundation-layout-card"); //adjust the cards to fit in layout if($cards.length == 0){ return; } var clazz = $grids.prop("class"), gIndex = parseInt(clazz.substr(clazz.indexOf("-") + 1), 10), assetType, index = 0; if(!hide && gridsHtml){ $grids.parent().html(gridsHtml); return; } $grids.html(""); var inGrid = Math.ceil( ( hide ? ($articles.length - $assets.length) : $articles.length ) / gIndex); $articles.each(function(i, article){ if(hide){ assetType = $(article).find("[itemprop='assettype']"); if(assetType.length > 0 && assetType[0].innerHTML !== "FOLDER"){ return; } } $($grids[ Math.floor(index++ / inGrid)]).append($(article)); }); }); $(document).on(FOUNDATION_CONTENT_LOADED, function(e){ $(document).on(FOUNDATION_CONTENT_LOADED, ".foundation-layout-columns", function(e) { $articles = $assets = gridsHtml = undefined; $("#" + E_AEM_SHOW_FOLDERS).prop( "checked", false ); }); //event not thrown on .foundation-layout-list, .foundation-layout-card sometimes, bug??? $(document).on(FOUNDATION_CONTENT_LOADED, ".foundation-layout-util-maximized", function(e) { $articles = $assets = gridsHtml = undefined; $("#" + E_AEM_SHOW_FOLDERS).prop( "checked", false ); }); }); }); })(document, jQuery);
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