Show the (X,Y) coordinates of Mouse on Html5 Smart Image (CQ.html5.form.SmartImage) added in Image Component. Mousemove on the image to add coordinates in a textfield added to map tool. Note, this is plain vanilla, may not work as expected if image is processed using crop, zoom, rotate etc.
Demo | Package Install
1) Login to CRXDE Lite, create folder (nt:folder) /apps/classic-ui-smart-image-coordinates
2) Create clientlib (type cq:ClientLibraryFolder) /apps/classic-ui-smart-image-coordinates/clientlib and set a property categories of String type to cq.widgets
3) Create file ( type nt:file ) /apps/classic-ui-smart-image-coordinates/clientlib/js.txt, add the following
4) Create file ( type nt:file ) /apps/classic-ui-smart-image-coordinates/clientlib/coords.js, add the following code
(function(){ if (typeof window.ExperienceAEM == "undefined") { window.ExperienceAEM = {}; } ExperienceAEM.showMouseCoordinates = function(image){ if(!image || !image.imagePanel || !image.imageToolDefs){ return; } var imgTools = image.imageToolDefs, mapTool, imageOffsets = image.imagePanel.imageOffsets; for(var x = 0; x < imgTools.length; x++){ if(imgTools[x].toolId == 'smartimageMap'){ mapTool = imgTools[x]; break; } } var mapCoords = mapTool.userInterface.findBy(function(comp){ return comp["itemId"] == "areaDefCoords"; })[0]; var coords = new CQ.Ext.form.TextField({ fieldLabel: "Mouse" }); mapCoords.ownerCt.add(coords); mapCoords.ownerCt.doLayout(); var $img = $(image.imagePanel.el.dom).find("img"); $img.mousemove(function(event) { var offset = $(this).offset(), relX = (event.pageX - offset.left), relY = (event.pageY - offset.top); relX = relX - imageOffsets.x; relY = relY - imageOffsets.y; coords.setValue("(" + relX + "/" + relY + ")"); }); } }());
5) To test the above logic, add a listener on image. In the demo loadimage listener was added on foundation image component widget /libs/foundation/components/image/dialog/items/image, which is bad; Ideally the foundation components should never be modified; did it for demonstration purposes only
6) Create node listeners (nt:unstructured) /libs/foundation/components/image/dialog/items/image/listeners, add a property loadimage with the following value (in other words, add this listener on html5 smart images needing the image mouse coordinates functionality)
function(image) { ExperienceAEM.showMouseCoordinates(image) ; }
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