Limit the number of Components added in a Parsys of Touch UI
For Classic UI check this post
Demo | Package Install
Bug Fixes
Applying limit to copy / paste of components - Demo | Package Install
Set the Limit - Design Mode
Stored in CRX
Limit Exceeded Error on Component Drop or Insert - Edit Mode
1) Login to CRXDE Lite, create folder (nt:folder) /apps/touchui-limit-parsys
2) Create clientlib (type cq:ClientLibraryFolder) /apps/touchui-limit-parsys/clientlib and set property categories of String[] type to cq.authoring.dialog, cq.compat.authoring.widgets and dependencies to underscore
3) Create file ( type nt:file ) /apps/touchui-limit-parsys/clientlib/js.txt, add the following
4) Create file ( type nt:file ) /apps/touchui-limit-parsys/clientlib/limit-parsys.js, add the following code
// for touchui design mode (function(){ var pathName = window.location.pathname, EAEM_COMPONENT_LIMIT = "eaemComponentLimit"; if( !pathName.endsWith("dialogwrapper.html") ){ return; } CQ.Ext.onReady(function () { findDesignDialogWindow(); }); function findDesignDialogWindow(){ var wMgr = CQ.Ext.WindowMgr, winId; var W_INTERVAL = setInterval(function () { wMgr.each(function (win) { if(!win || !win.id){ return; } clearInterval(W_INTERVAL); addLimitTextField(win); }); }, 250); } function addLimitTextField(win){ var compSelector = win.findByType("componentselector"); if(compSelector.length == 0){ return; } compSelector = compSelector[0]; var dialog = compSelector.findParentByType("dialog"); $.ajax( dialog.path + ".2.json" ).done(handler); function handler(data){ var limitField = new CQ.Ext.form.TextField({ value: data[EAEM_COMPONENT_LIMIT] || "", fieldLabel: "Limit Components to ", name: "./" + EAEM_COMPONENT_LIMIT, style: { marginBottom: '10px' } }); compSelector.ownerCt.insert(2, limitField); compSelector.ownerCt.doLayout(); } } }()); // for touchui edit mode (function ($document, gAuthor) { var pathName = window.location.pathname; if( pathName.endsWith("dialogwrapper.html") ){ return; } var EAEM_COMPONENT_LIMIT = "eaemComponentLimit"; $(extendComponentDrop); function getDesignPath(editable){ var parsys = editable.getParent(), designSrc = parsys.config.designDialogSrc, result = {}, param; designSrc = designSrc.substring(designSrc.indexOf("?") + 1); designSrc.split(/&/).forEach( function(it) { if (_.isEmpty(it)) { return; } param = it.split("="); result[param[0]] = param[1]; }); return decodeURIComponent(result["content"]); } function extendComponentDrop(){ var dropController = gAuthor.ui.dropController, compDragDrop = dropController.get(gAuthor.Component.prototype.getTypeName()); //handle drop action compDragDrop.handleDrop = function(dropFn){ return function (event) { if(showError(event.currentDropTarget.targetEditable)){ return; } return dropFn.call(this, event); }; }(compDragDrop.handleDrop); //handle insert action gAuthor.edit.actions.openInsertDialog = function(openDlgFn){ return function (editable) { if(showError(editable)){ return; } return openDlgFn.call(this, editable); } }(gAuthor.edit.actions.openInsertDialog); //handle paste action var insertAction = gAuthor.edit.Toolbar.defaultActions["INSERT"]; insertAction.handler = function(insertHandlerFn){ return function(editableBefore, param, target){ if(showError(editableBefore)){ return; } return insertHandlerFn.call(this, editableBefore, param, target) } }(insertAction.handler); function showError(editable){ var limit = isWithinLimit(editable); if(!limit.isWithin){ showErrorAlert("Limit exceeded, allowed - " + limit.currentLimit); return true; } return false; } } function getChildEditables(parsys){ var editables = gAuthor.edit.findEditables(), children = [], parent; _.each(editables, function(editable){ parent = editable.getParent(); if(parent && (parent.path === parsys.path)){ children.push(editable); } }); return children; } function showErrorAlert(message, title){ var fui = $(window).adaptTo("foundation-ui"), options = [{ text: "OK", warning: true }]; message = message || "Unknown Error"; title = title || "Error"; fui.prompt(title, message, "error", options); } function isWithinLimit(editable){ var path = getDesignPath(editable), children = getChildEditables(editable.getParent()), isWithin = true, currentLimit = ""; $.ajax( { url: path + ".2.json", async: false } ).done(function(data){ if(_.isEmpty(data) || !data[EAEM_COMPONENT_LIMIT]){ return; } currentLimit = data[EAEM_COMPONENT_LIMIT]; var limit = parseInt(data[EAEM_COMPONENT_LIMIT]); isWithin = children.length <= limit; }); return { isWithin: isWithin, currentLimit: currentLimit }; } })($(document), Granite.author);
ReplyDeleteThis is breaking in AEM 6.3.
could you please help us with it.
Thank you.
One good option is to use ACS Commons and the property acsComponentsLimit. More info here: https://github.com/Adobe-Consulting-Services/acs-aem-commons/pull/639
ReplyDeleteThis is breaking in AEM 6.5. We are using editable templates where we have responsive grid as reourceType
Can you please help with suggestion?