This post is on extending component drop overlay placeholders to show custom text (and background color) instead of component name (jcr:title)
Foundation Text component (/libs/foundation/components/text) was modified for demonstration only (on Geometrixx pages), ideally the foundation components should never be altered...
Demo | Package Install
Configure Placeholder text
eaemPlaceholderText - Custom text to be shown instead of component name
eaemPlaceholderBGColor - Placeholder overlay background color
Placeholder on Page
1) Login to CRXDE Lite, create folder (nt:folder) /apps/touchui-configure-components-placeholder
2) Create clientlib (type cq:ClientLibraryFolder) /apps/touchui-configure-components-placeholder/clientlib and set property categories of String[] type to cq.authoring.dialog and dependencies to underscore
3) Create file ( type nt:file ) /apps/touchui-configure-components-placeholder/clientlib/js.txt, add the following
4) Create file ( type nt:file ) /apps/touchui-configure-components-placeholder/clientlib/configure-placeholder.js, add the following code
(function ($, $document, gAuthor) { var PLACEHOLDER_TEXT = "eaemPlaceholderText", PLACEHOLDER_BG_COLOR = "eaemPlaceholderBGColor", PLACE_HOLDER = "cq-Overlay--placeholder", configCache = {}, //look for configured placeholders only on these components LOOK_FOR_PLACEHOLDER_COMPONENTS = [ "/libs/foundation/components/text", "/libs/foundation/components/textimage" ]; $document.on('cq-layer-activated', addPlaceholder); $document.on('cq-inspectable-added', componentAdded); function componentAdded(event){ var LM = gAuthor.layerManager; if (LM.getCurrentLayer() != "Edit") { return; } var editable = event.inspectable; //placeholder overlay gets added after triggering cq-inspectable-added event //add a setTimeout workaround setTimeout(function(){ configurePlaceholder(editable); }, 500) } function addPlaceholder(event){ if(event.layer !== "Edit"){ return; } _.each(gAuthor.edit.findEditables(), configurePlaceholder); } function prefixLib(type){ type = type.trim(); if(type.indexOf("/") !== 0){ type = "/libs/" + type; } return type; } function configurePlaceholder(editable){ if(!isAllowedForPlaceholderConfig(editable)){ return; } var parent = editable.getParent(), $overlay = $(parent.overlay.dom), $placeholder = $overlay.find("[data-path='" + editable.path + "']"); if(!$placeholder.hasClass(PLACE_HOLDER)){ return; } var type = prefixLib(editable.type); if(_.isEmpty(configCache[type])){ $.ajax( type + ".json" ).done(configure); }else{ configure(configCache[type]); } function configure(data){ if(_.isEmpty(data)){ return; } configCache[type] = data; var color; if(!_.isEmpty(data[PLACEHOLDER_TEXT])){ $placeholder.attr("data-text", data[PLACEHOLDER_TEXT]); } if(!_.isEmpty(data[PLACEHOLDER_BG_COLOR])){ $placeholder.css("background-color", data[PLACEHOLDER_BG_COLOR]); } } } function isAllowedForPlaceholderConfig(editable){ return editable && editable.getParent() && editable.getParent().overlay && (LOOK_FOR_PLACEHOLDER_COMPONENTS.indexOf(prefixLib(editable.type)) !== -1) } })(jQuery, jQuery(document), Granite.author);
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