Touch UI Path Browser widget (/libs/granite/ui/components/foundation/form/pathbrowser) shows dc:title metadata for files and jcr:title for folders, in the picker; this post is on extending the widget to always show node name in picker
Dialog of foundation image component - /libs/foundation/components/image/cq:dialog/content/items/column/items/linkURL was modified for demo purposes only
For Classic UI check this post
Demo | Package Install
Product - Path Browser Auto Complete
Product - Path Browser Picker
Extension - Path Browser Picker
1) Login to CRXDE Lite (http://localhost:4502/crx/de) and create folder /apps/eaem-touchui-pathbrowser-picker-show-filename
2) Create node /apps/eaem-touchui-pathbrowser-picker-show-filename/clientlib of type cq:ClientLibraryFolder and add a String property categories with value cq.authoring.dialog and dependencies to underscore
3) Create file (nt:file) /apps/eaem-touchui-pathbrowser-picker-show-filename/clientlib/js.txt and add
4) Create file (nt:file) /apps/eaem-touchui-pathbrowser-picker-show-filename/clientlib/show-file-name.js and add the following code
(function ($, $document, gAuthor) { var LINK_URL = "./linkURL", COMPONENT = "foundation/components/image"; if(!gAuthor){ return; } $document.on('dialog-ready', handlePathBrowser); function handlePathBrowser(){ var $linkUrl = $("[name='" + LINK_URL + "']"), editable = gAuthor.DialogFrame.currentDialog.editable; //if not an image component dialog, return if((editable.type !== COMPONENT) || _.isEmpty($linkUrl)){ return; } var cuiPathBrowser = $linkUrl.closest(".coral-PathBrowser").data("pathBrowser"); if(!cuiPathBrowser){ return; } //handle picker columns extendPicker(cuiPathBrowser); } //extend picker to disable columns function extendPicker(cuiPathBrowser){ var cuiPicker = cuiPathBrowser.$picker.data("picker"); cuiPathBrowser.$button.on("click", function() { setTimeout(function(){ if(!cuiPicker.columnView){ console.log("EAEM - could not initialize column view"); return; } extendColumnView(cuiPicker.columnView); }, 200); }); } function extendColumnView(columnView){ function handler(event){ var $element = event && event.currentTarget ? $(event.currentTarget) : columnView.$element, $items = $element.find(".coral-ColumnView-item"), $item, dataValue; $items.each(function(index, item){ $item = $(item); dataValue = $item.data("value"); if(_.isEmpty(dataValue)){ return; } $item.find(".coral-ColumnView-label").html(getStringAfterLastSlash(dataValue)); }); } handler(); columnView.$element.on('coral-columnview-load', handler); columnView.$element.on('coral-columnview-item-select', function(){ // event coral-columnview-item-select is triggered before selected column load // hope the data gets loaded in 1000 msecs setTimeout(handler, 1000); }); } function getStringAfterLastSlash(str){ if(!str || (str.indexOf("/") == -1)){ return ""; } return str.substr(str.lastIndexOf("/") + 1); } }(jQuery, jQuery(document), Granite.author));
Hi Sreekanth,
ReplyDeleteCan we have a sample for elasticpath integration to AEM6.1 or AEM6.2 please?
can one apply this for all files? I am looking to do something similar but for pdfs.