Sample code to get the sling resource type of dialog fields and show in message box
Demo | Package Install
Bug Fixes
Page Properties dialog fields resource types - Demo | Package Install
Resource Type in CRX
Resource Type in Dialog
Page Properties Dialog Fields
1) Login to CRXDE Lite (http://localhost:4502/crx/de) and create folder /apps/eaem-find-sling-res-type-of-dialog-field
2) Create node /apps/eaem-find-sling-res-type-of-dialog-field/clientlib of type cq:ClientLibraryFolder and add a String property categories with value cq.authoring.dialog and dependencies to underscore
3) Create file (nt:file) /apps/eaem-find-sling-res-type-of-dialog-field/clientlib/js.txt and add
4) Create file (nt:file) /apps/eaem-find-sling-res-type-of-dialog-field/clientlib/find-resource-type.js and add the following code
(function ($, $document, gAuthor) { if(!gAuthor){ return; } $document.on('dialog-ready', showSlingResourceType); function showSlingResourceType(){ var currentDialog = gAuthor.DialogFrame.currentDialog, dialogPath ; if(currentDialog instanceof gAuthor.actions.PagePropertiesDialog){ var dialogSrc = currentDialog.getConfig().src; dialogPath = dialogSrc.substring(0, dialogSrc.indexOf(".html")); }else{ var editable = gAuthor.DialogFrame.currentDialog.editable; if(!editable){ console.log("EAEM - editable not available"); return; } dialogPath = editable.config.dialog; } $.ajax(dialogPath + ".infinity.json").done(handler); function handler(data) { var resourceTypes = {}, propertyName = "name", message = ""; fillFieldsResourceType(data, propertyName, resourceTypes); _.each(resourceTypes, function(value, key){ message = message + key + " - " + getStringBeforeLastSlash(value) + "/<b>" + getStringAfterLastSlash(value) + "</b>"; }); showMessageBox(message, "Field Resource Types"); } } function fillFieldsResourceType(obj, propName, resourceTypes){ if(!_.isObject(obj) || _.isEmpty(obj) || _.isEmpty(propName)){ return resourceTypes; } _.each(obj, function(value, key){ if(_.isObject(value) && !_.isEmpty(value)){ resourceTypes = fillFieldsResourceType(value, propName, resourceTypes); }else{ if( key == propName){ resourceTypes[value] = obj["sling:resourceType"]; } } }); return resourceTypes; } function showMessageBox(message, title){ var fui = $(window).adaptTo("foundation-ui"), options = [{ text: "OK", primary: true }]; message = message || "Message"; title = title || "Title"; fui.prompt(title, message, "notice", options); } function getStringAfterLastSlash(str){ if(!str || (str.indexOf("/") == -1)){ return ""; } return str.substr(str.lastIndexOf("/") + 1); } function getStringBeforeLastSlash(str){ if(!str || (str.indexOf("/") == -1)){ return ""; } return str.substr(0, str.lastIndexOf("/")); } }(jQuery, jQuery(document), Granite.author));
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