Create a composite multifield comprised of rich text editors (widgets of type cq/gui/components/authoring/dialog/richtext) with the editors set as required in multifield
For AEM 61 (no validator) check this post
Demo | Package Install
Composite Multifield
RTE Set as Required
Error when Empty
Saved Data in CRX
1) Login to CRXDE Lite, create folder (nt:folder) /apps/touchui-rte-multifield
2) Create clientlib (type cq:ClientLibraryFolder) /apps/touchui-rte-multifield/clientlib and set a property categories of String type to cq.authoring.dialog, dependencies of type String[] with value underscore
3) Create file ( type nt:file ) /apps/touchui-rte-multifield/clientlib/js.txt, add the following
4) Create file ( type nt:file ) /apps/touchui-rte-multifield/clientlib/rte-multifield.js, add the following code
(function ($, $document) { var DATA_EAEM_NESTED = "data-eaem-nested", CFFW = ".coral-Form-fieldwrapper", RTE_CONTAINER = "richtext-container", RTE_EDITABLE = ".coral-RichText-editable", FIELD_ERROR_EL = $("<span class='coral-Form-fielderror coral-Icon coral-Icon--alert coral-Icon--sizeS' " + "data-init='quicktip' data-quicktip-type='error' />"); function addValidator($multifield){ var $rteContainer, requiredField; _.each($multifield.find("." + RTE_CONTAINER), function(rteContainer){ $rteContainer = $(rteContainer); if(invisibleFieldAdded($rteContainer)){ return; } requiredField = $rteContainer.find("[aria-required='true']"); if(_.isEmpty(requiredField)){ return; } $rteContainer.children(RTE_EDITABLE).css("height", "5rem"); //coral validation framework ignores hidden and contenteditable fields, so add an invisible text field //the text field is just for registering a validator $rteContainer.append("<input type=text style='display:none' value='" + $rteContainer.find(RTE_EDITABLE).text() + "'" + "data-eaem-invisible='true' aria-required='true'/>"); $rteContainer.children().on("input", function() { var $invisibleText = $(this).nextAll("input:text").val($(this).text().trim()); $invisibleText.checkValidity(); $invisibleText.updateErrorUI(); }) }); } function invisibleFieldAdded($rteContainer){ return !_.isEmpty($rteContainer.find("[data-eaem-invisible='true']")); } function validateSubmittables(){ var $submittables = $("[" + DATA_EAEM_NESTED + "]").find(":-foundation-submittable"); return Array.prototype.every.call($submittables, function(submittable) { var api = $(submittable).adaptTo("foundation-validation"); return api.checkValidity({ suppressEvent: true }); }); } function setSelect($field, value){ var select = $field.closest(".coral-Select").data("select"); if(select){ select.setValue(value); } } function setHiddenOrRichText($field, value){ $field.val(value); var $rteContainer = $field.parent(); if(!$rteContainer.hasClass(RTE_CONTAINER)){ return; } $rteContainer.children(RTE_EDITABLE).empty().append(value); } function setCheckBox($field, value){ $field.prop( "checked", $field.attr("value") == value); } function getMultiFieldNames($multifields){ var mNames = {}, mName; $multifields.each(function (i, multifield) { mName = $(multifield).children("[name$='@Delete']").attr("name"); mName = mName.substring(0, mName.indexOf("@")); mName = mName.substring(2); mNames[mName] = $(multifield); }); return mNames; } function buildMultiField(data, $multifield, mName){ $multifield.find(".js-coral-Multifield-add").click(function(){ var $multifield = $(this).parent(); setTimeout(function(){ addValidator($multifield); }, 500); }); if(_.isEmpty(mName) || _.isEmpty(data)){ return; } _.each(data, function(value, key){ if(key == "jcr:primaryType"){ return; } $multifield.find(".js-coral-Multifield-add").click(); _.each(value, function(fValue, fKey){ if(fKey == "jcr:primaryType"){ return; } var $field = $multifield.find("[name='./" + fKey + "']").last(), type = $field.prop("type"); if(_.isEmpty($field)){ return; } if(type == "select-one"){ setSelect($field, fValue); }else if(type == "checkbox"){ setCheckBox($field, fValue); }else if(type == "hidden"){ setHiddenOrRichText($field, fValue); }else{ $field.val(fValue); } }); }); } //reads multifield data from server, creates the nested composite multifields and fills them function addDataInFields() { $(document).on("dialog-ready", readyHandler); function readyHandler(){ var $multifields = $("[" + DATA_EAEM_NESTED + "]"); if(_.isEmpty($multifields)){ return; } var mNames = getMultiFieldNames($multifields), $form = $(".cq-dialog"), actionUrl = $form.attr("action") + ".infinity.json"; $.ajax(actionUrl).done(postProcess); function postProcess(data){ _.each(mNames, function($multifield, mName){ buildMultiField(data[mName], $multifield, mName); }); } } } function fillValue($form, fieldSetName, $field, counter){ var name = $field.attr("name"); if (!name) { return; } //strip ./ if (name.indexOf("./") == 0) { name = name.substring(2); } var value = $field.val(); if( $field.prop("type") == "checkbox" ){ value = $field.prop("checked") ? $field.val() : ""; } $('<input />').attr('type', 'hidden') .attr('name', fieldSetName + "/" + counter + "/" + name) .attr('value', value ) .appendTo($form); //remove the field, so that individual values are not POSTed $field.remove(); } //collect data from widgets in multifield and POST them to CRX function collectDataFromFields(){ $(document).on("click", ".cq-dialog-submit", submitHandler); function submitHandler(){ var $multifields = $("[" + DATA_EAEM_NESTED + "]"); if(_.isEmpty($multifields)){ return; } var $form = $(this).closest("form.foundation-form"), $fieldSets, $fields; if(!validateSubmittables()){ return; } $multifields.each(function(i, multifield){ $fieldSets = $(multifield).find("[class='coral-Form-fieldset']"); $fieldSets.each(function (counter, fieldSet) { $fields = $(fieldSet).children().children(CFFW); $fields.each(function (j, field) { fillValue($form, $(fieldSet).data("name"), $(field).find("[name]"), (counter + 1)); }); }); }); } } $.validator.register({ selector: "[data-eaem-invisible='true']", validate: function ($invisibleText) { var cuiRichText = $invisibleText.prevAll(RTE_EDITABLE).data("richText"); if(!cuiRichText || !cuiRichText.editorKernel){ return; } var isRequired = ($invisibleText.attr("aria-required") === "true"); if (isRequired && _.isEmpty(cuiRichText.editorKernel.getProcessedHtml())) { return "Please fill this field"; } return null; }, show: function ($invisibleText, message) { var $field = $invisibleText.prevAll(RTE_EDITABLE), arrow = $invisibleText.closest("form").hasClass("coral-Form--vertical") ? "right" : "top"; FIELD_ERROR_EL.clone() .attr("data-quicktip-arrow", arrow) .attr("data-quicktip-content", message) .insertAfter($field); $field.attr("aria-invalid", "true").toggleClass("is-invalid", true); }, clear: function ($invisibleText) { var $field = $invisibleText.prevAll(RTE_EDITABLE); $field.removeAttr("aria-invalid").removeClass("is-invalid") .nextAll(".coral-Form-fielderror").tooltip("hide").remove(); } }); $document.ready(function () { addDataInFields(); collectDataFromFields(); }); }(jQuery, jQuery(document)));
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ReplyDeleteUploaded the package and tested the package.
ReplyDeleteWhen you open up the dialog the first pointer comes to rte text editor and when you just click somewhere else the rte text is not available for editing later on.
And when you open up the maximized view of the dialog, then also it does not allow the editing inside it.
Can you please share this package here itself instead of giving google drive as it is blocked in our organisation
ReplyDeleteWe were using 6.1 multifield js now we are facing issues with that in aem 6.2 for rte in multifield. Is there a way to fix that?