Add Zoom functionality in Assets Card view, so the user doesn't need to go into Asset Detail - /assetdetails.html for zoom in/out the asset (needs dynamic media -Dsling.run.modes=dynamicmedia)
For Zooming card thumbnails check this post
Demo | Package Install | GitHub
Bug Fixes
Full screen doesn't work - Package Install
Zoom Quick Action
Asset Zoom
1) Login to CRXDE Lite, create folder (nt:folder) /apps/experience-aem-asset-zoom
2) Create clientlib (type cq:ClientLibraryFolder) /apps/experience-aem-asset-zoom/clientlib and set a property categories of String type to dam.gui.actions.coral, dependencies of type String[] with value underscore
3) Create file ( type nt:file ) /apps/experience-aem-asset-zoom/clientlib/js.txt, add the following
4) Create file ( type nt:file ) /apps/experience-aem-asset-zoom/clientlib/card-zoom.js, add the following code
(function ($, $document) { var FOUNDATION_MODE_CHANGE = "foundation-mode-change", DAM_ADMIN_CHILD_PAGES = ".cq-damadmin-admin-childpages", META_TYPE = "data-foundation-collection-meta-type", LAYOUT_CARD_VIEW = "card", ASSET_DETAIL = "/libs/dam/gui/content/assetdetails/jcr:content/content/items/assetdetail.html"; $document.on(FOUNDATION_MODE_CHANGE, function(event){ _.defer(function(){ contentLoaded(event); }); }); function contentLoaded(){ var $childPage = $(DAM_ADMIN_CHILD_PAGES), foundationLayout = $childPage.data("foundation-layout"); if(_.isEmpty(foundationLayout)){ return; } var layoutId = foundationLayout.layoutId; if(layoutId !== LAYOUT_CARD_VIEW){ return; } var $items = $("coral-masonry-item"), $item, dialog = getZoomDialog(); $items.each(function(){ $item = $(this); if($item.find("[" + META_TYPE + "]").attr(META_TYPE) !== "asset"){ return; } var $action = getZoomAction(dialog).appendTo($item); $item.mouseenter(function(){ $action.show(); }); $item.mouseleave(function(){ $action.hide(); }) }); } function getZoomDialog(){ var dialog = new Coral.Dialog().set({ closable: "on", header: { innerHTML: 'Zoom' }, content: { innerHTML: getZoomDialogContent() } }); var uiAdjust = { "left" : "0%", "margin-left" : "0px", "max-width" : "100%" }; dialog.$.find(".coral-Dialog-wrapper").css(uiAdjust); return dialog; } function getZoomDialogContent(){ var vpWidth = $(window).width() - 30, vpHeight = $(window).height() - 110; return "<iframe webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen width='" + vpWidth + "px' height='" + vpHeight + "px' scrolling='no' frameBorder='0'></iframe>"; } function getZoomAction(dialog){ return $(getHtml()).hide().click(clickHandler); function clickHandler(event){ event.stopPropagation(); var assetPath = $(this).closest(".foundation-collection-item").data("foundationCollectionItemId"); dialog.$.find("iframe").attr("src", ASSET_DETAIL + assetPath); dialog.show(); } } function getHtml(){ return '<button style="position: absolute;top: 35%;left: 35%;z-index: 10000;cursor: zoom-in;"' + ' class="coral-Button coral-Button--square coral-QuickActions-button">' + '<coral-icon icon="zoomIn"></coral-icon>' + '</button>'; } })(jQuery, jQuery(document));
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