Add Rich Text Editor (RTE) in Asset Metadata Editor for editing metadata fields
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RTE in Metadata Editor
Data in CRX
1) To add a metadata field to the image/jpeg editor; access jpeg metadata schema editor
2) Drag & Drop a Text Field, add label EAEM Summary mapping to the property ./jcr:content/metadata/eaemSummary in new tab, here EAEM
3) Saved in CRX eg. /conf/global/settings/dam/adminui-extension/metadataschema/default/image/jpeg/items/tabs/items/tab4/items/col1/items/1493448609617; manually, change the saved metadata field sling:resourceType to cq/gui/components/authoring/dialog/richtext
4) In CRXDE Lite, create folder (nt:folder) /apps/eaem-metadata-editor-rte
5) Create clientlib (type cq:ClientLibraryFolder) /apps/eaem-metadata-editor-rte/clientlib, set property categories of String type to dam.gui.coral.metadataeditor and dependencies of type String[] to rte.coralui2,underscore
6) Create file ( type nt:file ) /apps/eaem-metadata-editor-rte/clientlib/js.txt, add the following
7) Create file ( type nt:file ) /apps/eaem-metadata-editor-rte/clientlib/metadata-editor-rte.js, add the following code
(function($document, $) { "use strict"; $document.on("foundation-contentloaded", initRTE); function initRTE(){ var $rteContainer = $document.find(".richtext-container"); if(_.isEmpty($rteContainer)){ return; } CUI.util.plugClass(CUI.RichText, "richEdit", function(rte) { CUI.rte.ConfigUtils.loadConfigAndStartEditing(rte, $(this)); }); handleStartFinish($rteContainer); styleUI($rteContainer); } function handleStartFinish($rteContainer){ $rteContainer.find(".coral-RichText").each(function() { ($(this)).richEdit(); }); var $valueField = $rteContainer.find("input[type=hidden]"); $rteContainer.each(function() { $(this).find(".coral-RichText-editable").empty().append($valueField.val()); }); $rteContainer.on("editing-finished", ".coral-RichText-editable", function(e, editedContent) { $valueField.val(editedContent); }); } function styleUI($rteContainer){ var $richTextDiv = $rteContainer.find(".coral-RichText"); $rteContainer.find("[name='./textIsRich']").remove(); $richTextDiv.css("height", "180px").closest(".aem-assets-metadata-form-column").css("width", "80%"); } })(Granite.$(document), Granite.$);
Can you please suggest how to do this on 6.4
ReplyDeletecan you please post 6.4/6.5 version of this, It's not saving content when I have the rte in Content fragment metadata
ReplyDeleteThank you for this workaround for adding Rich Text editor to asset metadata schema field! It worked for me for AEM6.5!