Tuesday, August 15, 2017

AEM 63 - Touch UI Register Component Action Open Dialog programmatically


Register a editable component action to open dialog programatically

For similar extension on AEM 6 check this post

Demo | Package Install | Github


1) Login to CRXDE Lite (http://localhost:4502/crx/de) and create folder /apps/touchui-open-component-dialog-register-action

2) Create node /apps/touchui-open-component-dialog-register-action/clientlib of type cq:ClientLibraryFolder and add a String property categories with value cq.authoring.dialog.all

3) Create file (nt:file) /apps/touchui-open-component-dialog-register-action/clientlib/js.txt and add


4) Create file (nt:file) /apps/touchui-open-component-dialog-register-action/clientlib/open.js and add the following code

(function ($document, author) {
    var openDialog = {
        icon: 'coral-Icon--game',
        text: 'Open Dialog',
        handler: function (editable, param, target) {
            author.DialogFrame.openDialog(new author.edit.Dialog(editable));
        condition: function (editable) {
            //show this action only for component type eaem-touchui-open-comp-dialog-register-action/touchui-open-component-dialog
            return editable.type === "eaem-touchui-open-comp-dialog-register-action/touchui-open-component-dialog";
        isNonMulti: true

    $document.on('cq-layer-activated', function (ev) {
        if (ev.layer === 'Edit') {
            author.EditorFrame.editableToolbar.registerAction('EAEM_OPEN_DIALOG', openDialog);
})($(document), Granite.author);

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