Add images in Coral 3 Select - granite/ui/components/coral/foundation/form/select
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Add Image path
Image rendered in Select
1) Login to CRXDE Lite (http://localhost:4502/crx/de), create folder /apps/eaem-touch-ui-images-in-select
2) For testing purposes, add a sample component /apps/eaem-touch-ui-images-in-select/eaem-list-view with sling:resourceSuperType property value set core/wcm/components/list/v1/list (so extending core component List)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <jcr:root xmlns:sling="http://sling.apache.org/jcr/sling/1.0" xmlns:cq="http://www.day.com/jcr/cq/1.0" xmlns:jcr="http://www.jcp.org/jcr/1.0" jcr:description="Sample List View" jcr:primaryType="cq:Component" jcr:title="Experience AEM List View" sling:resourceSuperType="core/wcm/components/list/v1/list" componentGroup="Experience AEM"/>
3) Create node /apps/eaem-touch-ui-images-in-select/clientlib of type cq:ClientLibraryFolder, add String property categories with value cq.authoring.dialog.all, String[] property dependencies with value underscore
4) Create file (nt:file) /apps/eaem-touch-ui-images-in-select/clientlib/js.txt, add
5) Create file (nt:file) /apps/eaem-touch-ui-images-in-select/clientlib/images-select.js, add the following code
(function ($, $document) { var SELECT_RES_TYPE = "granite/ui/components/coral/foundation/form/select", SLING_RES_TYPE = "sling:resourceType"; $document.on("dialog-ready", handleCoralSelect); function handleCoralSelect(){ $.ajax(getDialogPath() + ".infinity.json").done(handler); function handler(data) { var selectItems = {}, $widget; fillItemsOfSelect(data, selectItems); _.each(selectItems, function(items, selectName){ $widget = $("[name='" + selectName + "']"); if(_.isEmpty($widget)){ return; } addImagesInCoralSelect($widget, items); }); } } function getDialogPath(){ var gAuthor = Granite.author, currentDialog = gAuthor.DialogFrame.currentDialog, dialogPath ; if(currentDialog instanceof gAuthor.actions.PagePropertiesDialog){ var dialogSrc = currentDialog.getConfig().src; dialogPath = dialogSrc.substring(0, dialogSrc.indexOf(".html")); }else{ var editable = gAuthor.DialogFrame.currentDialog.editable; if(!editable){ console.log("EAEM - editable not available"); return; } dialogPath = editable.config.dialog; } return dialogPath; } function addImagesInCoralSelect($widget, items){ var adjustCss = false, $item; _.each(items, function(item){ if(!item.image){ return; } adjustCss = true; $item = $widget.find("coral-select-item[value='" + item.value + "']"); if(_.isEmpty($item)){ return; } $item.prepend("<img src='" + item.image + "' align='middle' width='30px' height='30px' style='margin-right: 5px; '/>" ); }); if(adjustCss){ $widget.find("button").css("padding", "0 0 0 10px"); } } function fillItemsOfSelect(data, selectItems){ if(!_.isObject(data) || _.isEmpty(data)){ return selectItems; } _.each(data, function(value, key){ if(_.isObject(value) && !_.isEmpty(value)){ selectItems = fillItemsOfSelect(value, selectItems); }else{ if( (key == SLING_RES_TYPE) && (value == SELECT_RES_TYPE)){ selectItems[data.name] = data.items; } } }); return selectItems; } }(jQuery, jQuery(document)));
Hi Sreekanth,
ReplyDeletePlease look at the below issue and please let me know how can i fix this issue.
Adobe Experience Manager Help | Injecting Images into Experience Manager Granite/Coral Select Fields
I have followed the above link in 6.3 AEM but not working any idea why the js not loading into the dialog to display the image in the drop-down.
Thank you so much for sharing!