Extend the Link Dialog of Touch UI Rich Text Editor to add a Coral Select widget for showing named anchor links on selected page to create deep links
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Drop down with list of Anchors
Anchors on linked page
1) Login to CRXDE Lite, create folder (nt:folder) /apps/eaem-touchui-extend-rte-select-deep-link
2) Create clientlib (type cq:ClientLibraryFolder) /apps/eaem-touchui-extend-rte-select-deep-link/clientlib and set property categories of String type to cq.authoring.dialog.all and dependencies String[] to lodash
3) Create file ( type nt:file ) /apps/eaem-touchui-extend-rte-select-deep-link/clientlib/js.txt, add the following
4) Create file (type nt:file) /apps/eaem-touchui-extend-rte-select-deep-link/clientlib/deep-links.js, add the following code
(function ($) { "use strict"; var _ = window._, Class = window.Class, CUI = window.CUI, EAEM_ANCHOR_SELECT = "eaem-anchor-select", RTE_LINK_DIALOG = "rtelinkdialog"; if(CUI.rte.ui.cui.CuiDialogHelper.eaemExtended){ return; } var EAEMLinkBaseDialog = new Class({ extend: CUI.rte.ui.cui.CQLinkBaseDialog, toString: "EAEMLinkBaseDialog", initialize: function(config) { this.superClass.initialize.call(this, config); var baseDialog = this; this.$rteDialog = this.$container.find("[data-rte-dialog=link]"); var $path = this.$rteDialog.find(".rte-dialog-columnContainer:first"); $(baseDialog.getAnchorsSelect()).insertAfter($path); $path.find("foundation-autocomplete").on("foundation-field-change", constructSelect); function constructSelect() { var pathField = $(this).adaptTo('foundation-field'); $.get(pathField.getValue() + ".html?wcmmode=disabled").done(successFn); function successFn(respHtml){ var $aTags = $(respHtml).find("a"), options = []; $aTags.each(function( i, aTag ) { if(_.isEmpty(aTag.name)){ return; } options.push(aTag.name); }); $(baseDialog.getAnchorsSelect(options)).insertAfter($path); } } }, getAnchorsSelect: function(options, dValue){ $("#" + EAEM_ANCHOR_SELECT).remove(); var html = '<div class="rte-dialog-columnContainer" id="' + EAEM_ANCHOR_SELECT + '">' + '<div class="rte-dialog-column">' + '<coral-select class="coral-Form-field" placeholder="Select Link">'; _.each(options, function(option){ html = html + '<coral-select-item value="' + option + '"' + ( (dValue == option) ? " selected " : "" ) + '>' + option + '</coral-select-item>'; }); html = html + '</coral-select></div></div>'; return html; }, dlgFromModel: function() { if (_.isEmpty(this.objToEdit) || _.isEmpty(this.objToEdit.href) || (this.objToEdit.href.indexOf("#") == -1)) { this.superClass.dlgFromModel.call(this); return; } var href = this.objToEdit.href, anchor, $path = this.$rteDialog.find(".rte-dialog-columnContainer:first"); this.objToEdit.href = href.substring(0, href.lastIndexOf("#")); this.superClass.dlgFromModel.call(this); anchor = href.substring(href.lastIndexOf("#") + 1); $.get(href + ".html?wcmmode=disabled").done($.proxy(successFn, this)); function successFn(respHtml){ var $aTags = $(respHtml).find("a"), options = []; $aTags.each(function( i, aTag ) { if(_.isEmpty(aTag.name)){ return; } options.push(aTag.name); }); $(this.getAnchorsSelect(options, anchor)).insertAfter($path); } }, dlgToModel: function() { this.superClass.dlgToModel.call(this); var anchorSelect = this.$dialog.find("#" + EAEM_ANCHOR_SELECT + " >* coral-select"); if(_.isEmpty(anchorSelect)){ return; } var aVal = anchorSelect.val(); if (_.isEmpty(aVal)) { return; } this.objToEdit.href = this.objToEdit.href + "#" + aVal; } }); CUI.rte.ui.cui.CuiDialogHelper = new Class({ extend: CUI.rte.ui.cui.CuiDialogHelper, toString: "EAEMCuiDialogHelper", instantiateDialog: function(dialogConfig) { var type = dialogConfig.type; if(type !== RTE_LINK_DIALOG){ this.superClass.instantiateDialog.call(this, dialogConfig); return; } var $editable = $(this.editorKernel.getEditContext().root), $container = CUI.rte.UIUtils.getUIContainer($editable), dialog = new EAEMLinkBaseDialog(); dialog.attach(dialogConfig, $container, this.editorKernel); return dialog; } }); CUI.rte.ui.cui.CuiDialogHelper.eaemExtended = true; })(jQuery);
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