In Touch UI, show the full title of tag in picker....
For AEM 63 check this post
For Assets check this post
Demo | Package Install | Github
Extension - Assets
Extension - Sites
1) Login to CRXDE Lite (http://localhost:4502/crx/de), create folder /apps/eaem-touchui-tags-picker-show-full-title
2) Create node /apps/eaem-touchui-tags-picker-show-full-title/clientlib of type cq:ClientLibraryFolder, add String property categories with value cq.ui.coral.common.tagfield, String[] property dependencies with value lodash
3) Create file (nt:file) /apps/eaem-touchui-tags-picker-show-full-title/clientlib/js.txt, add
4) Create file (nt:file) /apps/eaem-touchui-tags-picker-show-full-title/clientlib/show-full-title.js, add the following code
(function($, $document) { var TAGS_FIELD = "cq:tags", LETTER_COUNT = 22, INCREASE_BY = 1.5, CV_ITEM_HEIGHT = 3, CV_LABEL_HEIGHT = 2, extended = false; $document.on("foundation-contentloaded", handleTagsPicker); function handleTagsPicker(){ if(extended){ return; } var $tagsField = $("foundation-autocomplete[name$='" + TAGS_FIELD + "']"); if(_.isEmpty($tagsField)){ return; } var pathField = $tagsField[0]; extended = true; extendPicker(pathField); } function extendPicker(pathField){ var origShowPicker = pathField._showPicker; pathField._showPicker = function(){ origShowPicker.call(this); var columnView = $(this._picker.el).find("coral-columnview")[0]; columnView.on("coral-columnview:navigate", showFullTitle); var dummyEvent = { detail : { column: $(columnView).find("coral-columnview-column")[0] } }; showFullTitle(dummyEvent); } } function showFullTitle(event){ var $item, $content, increase, $cvItem; $(event.detail.column).find("coral-columnview-item").each(function(index, item){ $item = $(item); $content = $item.find("coral-columnview-item-content"); increase = (INCREASE_BY * Math.floor($content.html().length / LETTER_COUNT)); if( ($item.prop("variant") == "drilldown") && (increase > 0)){ increase++; } $item.css("height", (CV_ITEM_HEIGHT + increase) + "rem"); $content.css("height",(CV_LABEL_HEIGHT + increase) + "rem").css("white-space", "normal"); }); } })(jQuery, jQuery(document));
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