Default behavior of AEM Assets Bulk Update Editor Append mode works for schema fields of data type Multiple (node.getProperty(prop).isMultiple()) only
This extension adds appending of single line string fields data in Append mode with comma delimiter...
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Append Extension
1) Create a Sling Request Post Processor apps.experienceaem.assets.EAEMBulkUpdateAppend and set it with lower ranking e.g Integer=-99 to make sure it executes after product's bulk update post processor com.day.cq.dam.core.impl.servlet.BulkUpdatePostProcessor
package apps.experienceaem.assets; import org.apache.sling.api.SlingHttpServletRequest; import org.apache.sling.api.request.RequestParameter; import org.apache.sling.api.resource.ResourceResolver; import org.apache.sling.servlets.post.Modification; import org.apache.sling.servlets.post.ModificationType; import org.apache.sling.servlets.post.SlingPostProcessor; import org.json.JSONObject; import org.osgi.framework.Constants; import org.osgi.service.component.annotations.Activate; import org.osgi.service.component.annotations.Component; import org.osgi.service.metatype.annotations.AttributeDefinition; import org.osgi.service.metatype.annotations.AttributeType; import org.osgi.service.metatype.annotations.Designate; import org.osgi.service.metatype.annotations.ObjectClassDefinition; import javax.jcr.Item; import javax.jcr.Node; import javax.jcr.Property; import javax.jcr.Session; import java.util.List; @Component( immediate = true, service = { SlingPostProcessor.class }, property = { Constants.SERVICE_RANKING + ":Integer=-99", } ) @Designate(ocd = EAEMBulkUpdateAppend.EAEMBulkUpdateAppendConfiguration.class) public class EAEMBulkUpdateAppend implements SlingPostProcessor { private static final String MODE = "mode"; private static final String MODE_SOFT = "soft"; private static final String BULK_UPDATE = "dam:bulkUpdate"; private static final String METADATA_KEY = "mdvm"; private static final String DEFAULT_FOR_APPEND = "eaemRequired" ; private static final String SEPARATOR_FOR_APPEND = "," ; private static final int JCR_STRING_TYPE = 1 ; private String[] metadataForAppend = new String[] {DEFAULT_FOR_APPEND}; @Activate protected void activate(EAEMBulkUpdateAppendConfiguration configuration) { metadataForAppend = configuration.metadataFields(); } public void process(SlingHttpServletRequest request, List<Modification> modifications) throws Exception { ResourceResolver resolver = request.getResourceResolver(); String reqType = request.getParameter(BULK_UPDATE); String reqMode = request.getParameter(MODE); if ( (reqType == null) || (reqMode == null) || !reqMode.equals(MODE_SOFT)) { return; } Session session = resolver.adaptTo(Session.class); RequestParameter[] assets = request.getRequestParameters("asset"); if ( (session == null) || (assets == null)) { return; } for (RequestParameter asset : assets) { JSONObject assetJson = new JSONObject(asset.toString()); for (Modification change : modifications) { if (!change.getType().equals(ModificationType.MODIFY)) { continue; } processChanges(session, change, assetJson); } } session.save(); } private void processChanges(Session session, Modification change, JSONObject assetJson) throws Exception{ Item jcrItem = null; JSONObject metaJson = null, propJson = null; String assetPath = assetJson.getString("path"); String source = change.getSource(); if( (source == null) || (!source.startsWith(assetPath))){ return; } jcrItem = session.getItem(source); if ( (jcrItem == null) || jcrItem.isNode()) { return; } String metadataPath = assetPath + "/jcr:content/metadata"; if (assetJson.has(METADATA_KEY)) { metaJson = (JSONObject) assetJson.get(METADATA_KEY); } if(metaJson == null){ return; } if (metaJson.has(metadataPath)) { propJson = (JSONObject) metaJson.get(metadataPath); } if(propJson == null){ return; } Node metadataNode = session.getNode(metadataPath); String existingValue = null; Property metaProp = null; for(String prop : metadataForAppend) { if(!propJson.has(prop)){ continue; } existingValue = propJson.getString(prop); if(metadataNode.hasProperty(prop)){ metaProp = metadataNode.getProperty(prop); } if( metaProp != null ){ if(metaProp.getType() != JCR_STRING_TYPE){ continue; } existingValue = existingValue + SEPARATOR_FOR_APPEND + metaProp.getString(); } metadataNode.setProperty(prop, existingValue, JCR_STRING_TYPE); } } @ObjectClassDefinition( name = "EAEM Metadata fields", description = "EAEM Metadata fields for append mode" ) public @interface EAEMBulkUpdateAppendConfiguration { @AttributeDefinition( name = "Metadata fields", description = "Metadata fields for append e.g. eaemRequired, service looks for this property of type STRING and ONLY in jcr:content/metadata", type = AttributeType.STRING ) String[] metadataFields() default { DEFAULT_FOR_APPEND, "node.getProperty(prop).isMultiple()" }; } }
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