Provide MSM (Multi Site Manager) Rollout functionality in authoring to specific User Groups. In this sample, its available to users of group administrators
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1) Login to CRXDE Lite (http://localhost:4502/crx/de), create folder /apps/eaem-msm-allow-rollout-to-specific-groups
2) Create node /apps/eaem-msm-allow-rollout-to-specific-groups/clientlib of type cq:ClientLibraryFolder, add String[] property categories with value [cq.authoring.editor.sites.page], String[] property dependencies with value lodash.
3) Create file (nt:file) /apps/eaem-msm-allow-rollout-to-specific-groups/clientlib/js.txt, add
4) Create file (nt:file) /apps/eaem-msm-allow-rollout-to-specific-groups/clientlib/rollout-for-groups.js, add the following code
(function ($, $document) { var EDITOR_LOADED_EVENT = "cq-editor-loaded", allowedGroup = "administrators", extended = false; $document.on(EDITOR_LOADED_EVENT, extendMSMOpenDialog); function extendMSMOpenDialog(){ if(!Granite.author || !Granite.author.MsmAuthoringHelper){ console.log("Experience AEM - Granite.author.MsmAuthoringHelper not available"); return; } var _origFn = Granite.author.MsmAuthoringHelper.openRolloutDialog; Granite.author.MsmAuthoringHelper.openRolloutDialog = function(dialogSource){ var userGroups = getUserGroups(); if(!userGroups.includes(allowedGroup)){ showAlert("Rollout not allowed...", "Rollout"); return; } _origFn.call(this, dialogSource); }; handleEditableClick(); } function handleEditableClick(){ $document.on("cq-overlay-click", function(){ if(extended){ return; } extended = true; var _orignRolloutFn = MSM.Rollout.doRollout; MSM.Rollout.doRollout = function(commandPath, blueprint, $targets, isBackgroundRollout) { var userGroups = getUserGroups(); if(!userGroups.includes(allowedGroup)){ showAlert("Rollout not allowed...", "Rollout"); return; } _orignRolloutFn.call(this, commandPath, blueprint, $targets, isBackgroundRollout); } }); } function getUserGroups(){ var userID = Granite.author.ContentFrame.getUserID(), userGroups; $.ajax( { url: "/bin/security/authorizables.json?filter=" + userID, async: false } ).done(handler); function handler(data){ if(!data || !data.authorizables){ return; } _.each(data.authorizables, function(authObj){ if( (authObj.id !== userID) || _.isEmpty(authObj.memberOf)){ return; } userGroups = _.pluck(authObj.memberOf, "id"); }); } return userGroups; } function showAlert(message, title, callback){ var fui = $(window).adaptTo("foundation-ui"), options = [{ id: "ok", text: "OK", primary: true }]; message = message || "Unknown Error"; title = title || "Error"; fui.prompt(title, message, "default", options, callback); } }(jQuery, jQuery(document)));
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