In AEM Assets Timeline rail show the Version File Name. Showing names could be useful when the filename change frequently (say work in progress assets)
Demo | Package Install | Github
1) Login to CRXDE Lite (http://localhost:4502/crx/de), create folder /apps/eaem-version-timeline-show-name
2) Create node /apps/eaem-version-timeline-show-name/clientlib of type cq:ClientLibraryFolder, add String[] property categories with value [cq.gui.coral.common.admin.timeline], String[] property dependencies with value lodash.
3) Create file (nt:file) /apps/eaem-version-timeline-show-name/clientlib/js.txt, add
4) Create file (nt:file) /apps/eaem-version-timeline-show-name/clientlib/show-filename.js, add the following code
(function($, $document) { var TIME_LINE_EVENT_CSS = ".cq-common-admin-timeline-event", EAEM_VERSION_NAME = "eaem-version-name"; $document.on("foundation-contentloaded.foundation", ".cq-common-admin-timeline-events", modifyVersionDisplay); function modifyVersionDisplay(){ var $timelineEvents = $(TIME_LINE_EVENT_CSS), $section, $main, $comment, versionNum; var versionNames = loadVersionNames(); _.each($timelineEvents, function(section){ $section = $(section); versionNum = $section.data("preview"); if(!_.isEmpty(versionNum)){ versionNum = versionNum.substring(0,versionNum.indexOf("/jcr:frozenNode")); versionNum = versionNum.substring(versionNum.lastIndexOf("/") + 1); } $main = $section.find(".main"); if(_.isEmpty($main)) { return; } if(!_.isEmpty(versionNames[versionNum]) && _.isEmpty($section.find("." + EAEM_VERSION_NAME))){ $( "<div class='" + EAEM_VERSION_NAME + "'>" + versionNames[versionNum] + "</div>" ).insertBefore( $main ); } }); } function loadVersionNames(){ var $events = $(TIME_LINE_EVENT_CSS), versionNames = {}, path; _.each($events, function(event){ if(!path && !_.isEmpty($(event).data("preview"))){ path = $(event).data("preview"); } }); if(_.isEmpty(path)){ return versionNames; } path = path.substring(0,path.indexOf("/jcr:frozenNode")); path = path.substring(0,path.lastIndexOf("/")) + ".3.json"; $.ajax( {url : path, async: false}).done(function(data){ if(_.isEmpty(data)){ return; } _.each(data, function(value, key){ if(key.startsWith("jcr:") || key.startsWith("crx:")){ return; } var cqName = nestedPluck(value, "jcr:frozenNode/jcr:content/cq:name"); if(_.isEmpty(cqName)){ return; } versionNames[key] = cqName; }); }); return versionNames; } function nestedPluck(object, key) { if (!_.isObject(object) || _.isEmpty(object) || _.isEmpty(key)) { return []; } if (key.indexOf("/") === -1) { return object[key]; } var nestedKeys = _.reject(key.split("/"), function(token) { return token.trim() === ""; }), nestedObjectOrValue = object; _.each(nestedKeys, function(nKey) { if(_.isUndefined(nestedObjectOrValue)){ return; } if(_.isUndefined(nestedObjectOrValue[nKey])){ nestedObjectOrValue = undefined; return; } nestedObjectOrValue = nestedObjectOrValue[nKey]; }); return nestedObjectOrValue; } })(jQuery, jQuery(document));
I followed the steps but can't seem to get it to work. Am I missing something?
ReplyDeleteThis code is not working in AEM 6.5.5