Add a new side panel tab and form in Content Fragments for additional data
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Data in CRX
1) Login to CRXDe and create the form /apps/eaem-content-fragment-form/cf-form
2) Set the attributes for form data path in /apps/eaem-content-fragment-form/editor/contentfinder.jsp
<%@ page import="org.slf4j.Logger" %> <%@ page import="org.slf4j.LoggerFactory" %> <%@page session="false" contentType="text/html; charset=utf-8" %> <%@taglib prefix="sling" uri="http://sling.apache.org/taglibs/sling/1.0" %> <%@taglib prefix="cq" uri="http://www.day.com/taglibs/cq/1.0" %> <cq:defineObjects/> <% final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass()); final String FORM_DATA = "/jcr:content/metadata/eaemFormData"; String[] content = new String[]{slingRequest.getRequestPathInfo().getSuffix() + FORM_DATA}; try{ request.setAttribute("aem.assets.ui.properties.content", content); if (content.length == 1) { request.setAttribute("granite.ui.form.contentpath", content[0]); } }catch(Exception e){ LOG.error("Error creating form playable media content", e); } %>
3) Create clientlib /apps/eaem-content-fragment-form/clientlib, set the categories to dam.cfm.adminpage.v2 and dependencies to lodash
4) Add /apps/eaem-content-fragment-form/clientlib/js.txt with the following content
5) Add /apps/eaem-content-fragment-form/clientlib/cf-form.js with the following code
(function($, $document) { var EAEM_FORM_PAGE = "/apps/eaem-content-fragment-form/cf-form.html", formTabAdded = false, initialData; $document.on("foundation-contentloaded", addFragmentFormTab); function addFormActions(){ $(".button-apply").on("click", function(e) { $("form").submit(); document.location.href = $("#Editor").data("return"); }); $(".button-cancel").on("click", function(e) { Dam.CFM.editor.Core.cancel(); }); } function addFragmentFormTab() { if (formTabAdded) { return; } formTabAdded = true; var $sidePanel = $("#SidePanel"), $panelTabs = $sidePanel.find("coral-tabview"); if (_.isEmpty($panelTabs)) { return; } var tabList = $panelTabs[0].tabList; var mediaTab = tabList.items.add({ title: "Experience AEM Form", label: { innerHTML: '<coral-icon icon="film" size="S"/>' } }); var panelStack = $panelTabs[0].panelStack; panelStack.items.add({ content: { innerHTML: getFragmentFormTabContent() } }); mediaTab.on('click', function(){ openEditorPage(EAEM_FORM_PAGE); }); addFormActions(); saveInitialState(); addTabNavigationAlert(); workarounds(); } function addTabNavigationAlert(){ var tabClickHandler = getTabClickHandler(); $document.off('click', '#SidePanel coral-tab'); $document.on('click', '#SidePanel coral-tab', function( eve ) { var that = this; if (initialData === getFormData()) { tabClickHandler.call(that); return; } var fui = $(window).adaptTo("foundation-ui"); fui.prompt("Confirm", "NEW Warning! You must save your work before navigating to a new screen. Click ok to go to the page without saving", "warning", [{ text: "Ok", handler: function(){ tabClickHandler.call(that) } }, { text: "Stay", primary: true, handler: function(){} }]); }); } function getTabClickHandler(){ var handlers = $._data(document, "events")["click"]; return _.reject(handlers, function(handler){ return (handler.selector != "#SidePanel coral-tab" ); })[0].handler; } function getFragmentFormTabContent(){ return "<div class='sidepanel-tab sidepanel-tab-cf-form'></div>"; } function openEditorPage(url){ var CFM = Dam.CFM, href = Granite.HTTP.externalize(url); $document.trigger(CFM.constants.EVENT_CONTENT_FRAGMENT_BLOCK, { unloadHandling: true }); href = href + encodeURI(CFM.state.fragment.path); CFM.editor.Page.notifyNavigation(function(isSuccess) { if (isSuccess) { document.location.href = href; } }); } function getFormData(){ var $fields = $("form").find("input[name]"), data = []; _.each($fields, function(field){ var $field = $(field), name = $field.attr("name"); if(name.includes("@")){ return; } data.push([name.substring(name.lastIndexOf("/") + 1)] + "=" + $field.val()); }); return data.join(","); } function saveInitialState(){ initialData = getFormData(); } function workarounds(){ $.fn.rearrangeFormLayout = function () {}; } workarounds(); })(jQuery, jQuery(document));
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