Configure OnPrem AEM Assets Instance to share Images with Asset Core Service for using them in emails created and delivered via ACS (Adobe Campaign Standard)
For product documentation check this post
For a more direct method for selecting AEM Assets in ACS check this post
Integrating AEM Assets with Assets Core Service
1) Assuming you are provisioned for Assets Core Service and Adobe Campaign Standard in Experience Cloud, the following icons should be active in solution switcher...
2) Following are the URLs for instances used...
AEM: http://localhost:4502/assets.html
ACS: https://acs959.msavlab.adobe.com/
Assets Core Service: https://ags959.experiencecloud.adobe.com/assets.html/content/dam/mac/ags959
3) Login to https://legacy-oauth.cloud.adobe.io/login with your Adobe ID to create a JWT application for integrating the two products - Local OnPrem AEM and Assets Core Services
4) Select your org and click Add Application
5) Enter the details and click Add, for eg.
Application Name : Experience AEM Assets Core Sync Service
Organization: Adobe AGS959
Scope: cc-share, dam-read, dam-sync, dam-write
6) Your application is now created, copy the Application ID
7) Login to local OnPrem AEM and access Tools > Cloud Services > Legacy Cloud Services
8) Click Configure Now in Adobe Experience Cloud section
9) Enter any title eg. Experience AEM Assets Core Sync, click Create
10) Enter the details for Tenant info and click Ok (creating the configuration in /etc/cloudservices/marketingcloud/experience-aem-assets-core-sync-service), for eg.
Tenant URL: https://ags959.experiencecloud.adobe.com
Client ID: fxxxxxxxxx-experience-aem-assets-core-service (Application ID from JWT app above)
Synchronization is: enabled
11) Click Display Public Key in the configuration and copy the resulting content
12) Paste the Public key in JWT application created in Step 5 and click Save
13) Test your sync by accessing AEM Assets and sharing a folder with Experience Cloud (in the screen shot below, drop down shows Marketing Cloud)
14) You should see the assets synced to Assets core service of your org eg. https://ags959.experiencecloud.adobe.com/assets.html/content/dam/mac/ags959/experience-aem
Accessing Assets in ACS
1) Integrating AEM with Assets Core Service, the images are now shared and can be used in Email campaigns created using Campaign Standard (ACS)
2) Access ACS instance by clicking on the link in Experience Cloud (https://experience.adobe.com/) solution switcher
3) There are a number of ways to get customer profiles into ACS, assuming you don't have any customer profiles yet (to send an email), from the Home screen click on Customer profiles and click Create
4) Enter the profile details
5) From the Home screen select Create an Email, click Next
6) Select Send via Email, click Next
7) Enter email properties, eg. Label, click Next
8) Drag Select a profile and select the profile created in step 2 above, click Next
9) Select new Use the Email Designer option
10) Select 1:1 column from Structure Components, drag Image from Content Components and Click Open assets core service
11) Browse and select the asset from picker and click Save
12) Click on Prepare to run the prechecks, find number of deliveries etc.
13) Click Confirm to send the email
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