AEM 6560 - SPA Editor Container Class as React SPA Functional Component


React hooks are not allowed in class components. This post is for using hooks in AEM Editable Component Container coded as a Class. In the following example we use Material UI useMediaQuery hook in a AEM SPA Editable Component for setting breakpoint specific background height...

Container on Desktop

Container on Mobile

Component TypeScript

import React, { FC, useState, useEffect, Component, ComponentType } from "react";
import CSS from 'csstype';
import { MapTo, Container } from "@adobe/cq-react-editable-components";
import useMediaQuery from '@material-ui/core/useMediaQuery';
import { useTheme, createMuiTheme } from '@material-ui/core/styles';

    XS = 0,
    SM = 768,
    MD = 992,
    LG = 1200,
    XL = 1600

const eaemTheme = createMuiTheme({
    breakpoints: {
        values: {
            xs: BREAKPOINT.XS,
            sm: BREAKPOINT.SM,
            md: BREAKPOINT.MD,
            lg: BREAKPOINT.LG,
            xl: BREAKPOINT.XL

interface EAEMContainerPropTypes {
    containerProps: any,
    childComponents: any,
    placeholderComponent: any

const EAEMContainerWrapper = (Component: React.FC<any>) => class EAEMContainer extends Container<any, any> {
    props: any

    constructor(props: any) {
        this.props = props;

    render() {
        return (
            <Component {...Object.assign({}, this.props, {
                containerProps: super.containerProps,
                childComponents: super.childComponents,
                placeholderComponent: super.placeholderComponent

const EAEMPositioningContainer: FC<EAEMContainerPropTypes> = ({ containerProps, childComponents, placeholderComponent, ...props }) => {
    let height = "500px";

    //cannot use conditional if-else statements with React hooks
    let matches = useMediaQuery(eaemTheme.breakpoints.down('md'));

    if (matches) {
        height = "300px";

    matches = useMediaQuery(eaemTheme.breakpoints.down('sm'));

    if (matches) {
        height = "100px";
    } = {
        height: height,
        "background-color" : "yellow"

    return (
        <div {...containerProps}>

export default MapTo("eaem-sites-spa-how-to-react/components/positioning-container")(

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