The following steps explain adding a client side script to validate the file types while uploading to AEM using browser..
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1) Create a project eaem-cs-validate-assets using archetype - https://github.com/adobe/aem-project-archetype
mvn -B archetype:generate -D archetypeGroupId=com.adobe.aem -D archetypeArtifactId=aem-project-archetype -D archetypeVersion=24 -D aemVersion=cloud -D appTitle="Experience AEM Validate Assets on Upload" -D appId="eaem-cs-validate-assets" -D groupId="apps.experienceaem.assets" -D frontendModule=none -D includeExamples=n -D includeDispatcherConfig=n
2) Create node /apps/eaem-cs-validate-assets/clientlibs/supported-file-types of type cq:ClientLibraryFolder, add String[] property categories with value [dam.gui.coral.fileupload], String[] property dependencies with value eaem.lodash.
3) Create file (nt:file) /apps/eaem-cs-validate-assets/clientlibs/supported-file-types/js.txt, add
4) Create file (nt:file) /apps/eaem-cs-validate-assets/clientlibs/supported-file-types/supported-file-types.js, add the following code
(function ($, $document) { "use strict"; var _ = window._, ERROR_MSG = "Unsupported file extensions : "; var _origConfirmUpload = window.DamFileUpload.prototype._confirmUpload; window.DamFileUpload.prototype._confirmUpload = function (event) { var invalidFileNames = [], FILE_EXTS_SUPPORTED = getSuppportedFileExtensions(); this.fileUpload.uploadQueue.forEach(function(item) { var fileName = item.name; if(!fileName.includes(".")){ invalidFileNames.push(fileName); return; } var ext = fileName.substring(fileName.lastIndexOf(".") + 1); if(!FILE_EXTS_SUPPORTED.includes(ext.toUpperCase())){ invalidFileNames.push(fileName); } }); if(_.isEmpty(invalidFileNames)){ _origConfirmUpload.call(this, event); var uploadDialog = this.uploadDialog; _.defer(function(){ $(uploadDialog).find("input").attr("disabled", "disabled"); },0) }else{ showAlert(ERROR_MSG + "<b>" + invalidFileNames.join(",") + "</b>"); } }; function showAlert(message, title, callback){ var fui = $(window).adaptTo("foundation-ui"), options = [{ id: "ok", text: "OK", primary: true }]; message = message || "Unknown Error"; title = title || "Error"; fui.prompt(title, message, "warning", options, callback); } function getSuppportedFileExtensions(){ return [ "JPG", "PNG" ]; } }(jQuery, jQuery(document)));
5) More supported file extensions can be added by modifying #55 function getSuppportedFileExtensions()
hey mate, do you know which fiile needs to be overridden for file upload using drag and drop ?