Adobe Experience Manager 2021.7.5607.20210705T063041Z-210600
Show Asset references in Delete alert box before proceeding with deletion....
Demo | Package Install | Github
Create a clientlib /apps/eaem-asset-delete-refs/clientlibs/delete-cf-show-refs with categories=dam.gui.actions.coral and dependencies=eaem.lodash and the following code..
(function ($, $document) { "use strict"; var _ = window._; $document.on("foundation-contentloaded", function(e) { var deleteActivator = ".cq-damadmin-admin-actions-delete-activator"; $document.off("click", deleteActivator).on("click", deleteActivator, function(e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); showReferences.call(this); }); }); function showReferences(){ var selectedItems = $(".foundation-selections-item"), paths = []; selectedItems.each(function() { paths.push($(this).get(0).getAttribute("data-foundation-collection-item-id")); }); var AssetReferences = Dam.AssetReferences; var refsPromise = AssetReferences.fetchFromPaths(paths, AssetReferences.REF_MODE.ALL); refsPromise.then(function(references) { var fui = $(window).adaptTo("foundation-ui"), options = [{ id: "DELETE", variant: "warning", text: "Delete" }, { id: "CANCEL", text: "Cancel" }]; var message = "Are you sure?"; if(!_.isEmpty(references.localRefs)){ message = "Asset referenced in following paths. Are you sure?" + references.localRefs; }else if(references.activations.found){ message = "Asset was published. Are you sure?"; } fui.prompt("Delete", message, "error", options, function (actionId) { if (actionId === "DELETE") { deleteAsset(paths); } }); }); } function deleteAsset(paths){ var data = { path: paths, cmd: "deletePage", force: true, "_charset_": "utf-8" }; $.ajax({ url: "/bin/wcmcommand", //"/bin/asynccommand", type: "post", data: data, success: function() { var collection = document.querySelector(".cq-damadmin-admin-childpages"), pageId = collection.getAttribute("data-foundation-collection-id"); $(collection).adaptTo("foundation-collection").load(pageId); }, error: function(response) { showAlert("Error deleting asset", "Error"); } }); } function showAlert(message, title, type, callback) { var fui = $(window).adaptTo("foundation-ui"), options = [{ id: "ok", text: "Ok", primary: true }]; message = message || "Unknown Error"; title = title || "Error"; type = type || "warning"; fui.prompt(title, message, type, options, callback); } }(jQuery, jQuery(document)));
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