AEM Cloud Service - NodeJS script to delete Background Async Jobs

Background Async Tasks like Reprocess Assets are shown under Tools > General > Jobs (/ui#/aem/mnt/overlay/granite/async/content/asyncjobs.html?consoleId=cq-asyncjobs)

If there are too many assets stuck in queue, taking time to process, delaying the processing of high priority assets, the following script may help deleting such async jobs and making way for new assets processing...

Stucks Jobs

Running Script

1) Get the access token from Developer Console

2) In the following script delete-jobs.js, set the value of AEM_TOKEN to access token generated above and run it using node eg. node delete-jobs.js (used node -v = v19.0.1)

const https = require('https');
const QS = require('querystring');

let AEM_HOST = '';
let AEM_TOKEN = "eyJhbGci....";
let PATH = "/var/eventing/jobs/assigned/42bc5d46-950b-468c-8287-8470c35e8128/async.process";
let LIMIT = 1000;
let QB = "/bin/querybuilder.json?type=slingevent:Job&p.hits=selective&" + LIMIT + "&path=";
let goAhead = true;

runQueryAndProcess(QB + PATH);

function shouldDeleteJobForAsset(assetPath){
return false;

return ( assetPath.startsWith("/content/dam/folder-1")
|| assetPath.startsWith("/content/dam/folder-2")
|| assetPath.startsWith("/content/dam/folder-3"));

function runQueryAndProcess(query) {
const options = {
hostname: AEM_HOST,
path: query,
headers: {
Authorization: 'Bearer ' + AEM_TOKEN


function doQueryRequest(options){
https.get(options,(res) => {
let body = "";

res.on("data", (chunk) => {
body += chunk;

res.on("end", () => {
try {
let json = JSON.parse(body);

console.log("COUNT OF JOBS TO DELETE : " + json.results + ", OUT OF : " +;

json.hits.forEach((hit) => {
startDelete(hit["jcr:path"], hit.asset);
console.log("SKIPPING JOB : " + hit["jcr:path"] + " for asset : " + hit.asset);
} catch (error) {
console.error("ERROR : " + error.message);
goAhead = true;
}).on("error", (error) => {
console.error("CONN ERROR : " + error.message);
goAhead = true;

function startDelete(jobPath, assetPath){
const INTERVAL = setInterval(() => {
goAhead = false;
doDeleteJob(jobPath, assetPath);
}, 500);

function doDeleteJob(jobPath, assetPath){
const postData = {
":operation" : "delete"

let payload = QS.stringify(postData);

const options = {
hostname: AEM_HOST,
path: jobPath,
method: 'POST',
headers: {
Authorization: 'Bearer ' + AEM_TOKEN,
'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
'Content-Length': payload.length

let req = https.request(options, (res) => {

console.log("Status : " + res.statusCode);

res.on('data', () => {
console.log(res.statusCode + " : DELETED JOB : " + jobPath + " for asset : " + assetPath);
goAhead = true;

req.on('error', (e) => {
console.log("ERROR DELETE : " + jobPath + " , " + e);
goAhead = true;



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