In the following post we prepare a Manifest of all Assets (images, videos and other files) in a Dynamic Media Classic (Scene7) account, Package and Export them as zip (each zip is a flat structure, can have a max of 500 assets or total size of assets in zip less than 1GB), Download the Zip files to local file system, Extract and run the last step which is creating the Folder Structure and putting the assets in their respective folders using the manifest info...
1) For compilation and running the tool set java home to JDK 1.8 ( does not work with JDK 11)
2) Run apps.GetScene7AssetPathsAndSize to create a Manifest file with information about asset paths, size of each asset...
3) Run apps.DownloadScene7Assets to export the assets into zip files (500 in each zip or total size of assets in each zip < 1gb)
4) Download the zips manually to local file system and extract to a input folder
5) Run apps.PutAssetsInFolders to create the folder ouput, move assets from the input folder to their respective folder structure under output folder
1) Download the latest source from
2) Set JAVA_HOME to JDK 1.8 and CLASPATH to export-s7-assets-organize-in-folders/libs, compile the files under export-s7-assets-organize-in-folders\src\apps
3) Set the DMc company, user, pass of the account and path of the folder (which includes sub folders) in export-s7-assets-organize-in-folders\src\apps\ If the account you are exporting has files in hundreds of thousands, it is advisable to export by pointing the path to root level folders and not leave it empty so not to export the entire account in one go (which might result in laptop memory issues, crashing and losing the status of execution...)
# for full account leave path empty or a folder path (eg. EAEM/2016/banners)
4) Run apps.GetScene7AssetPathsAndSize to create a manifest file with information about asset paths, size of each asset. The manifest file all-assets.csv is created in the same folder where classes were compiled to eg. C:\Users\nalabotu\IdeaProjects\aem-cs\out\production\test\apps\all-assets.csv
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