Show additional image metadata in tooltip. The results view of image tab in content finder by default shows the image name on hover. This post is about modifying the view template to show additional metadata information. Package available for install
Tile view
List View
1) Login to CRXDE Lite, create folder (nt:folder) /apps/cfimagemetadata
2) Create clientlib (type cq:ClientLibraryFolder) /apps/cfimagemetadata/clientlib and set a property categories of String type to cq.widgets
3) Create file ( type nt:file ) /apps/cfimagemetadata/clientlib/js.txt, add the following
4) Create file ( type nt:file ) /apps/cfimagemetadata/clientlib/imagemetadata.js, add the following code
CQ.Ext.ns("MyClientLib"); MyClientLib.ContentFinder = { TAB_IMAGES: "cfTab-Images", //interested in showing the following metadata only displayNames: { "dam:FileFormat": "File Format", "dam:MIMEtype": "Mime Type", "jcr:lastModifiedBy": "Last Modified By","jcr:lastModified": "Last Modified", "tiff:ImageLength": "Length","tiff:ImageWidth": "Width"}, addImagesMetadata: function(){ var tab = CQ.Ext.getCmp(this.TAB_IMAGES); var resultsView = tab.findByType("dataview"); var store = tab.dataView.store; if(!resultsView || resultsView.length == 0){ return; } var tBar = resultsView[0].ownerCt.getTopToolbar(); var dNames = this.displayNames; //mouseenter fired when the mouse enters a node in results view resultsView[0].on('mouseenter', function(dView, index, node){ if(node.metaAdded == true){ return; } //get the selected view type from toolbar: tile or list var viewType = tBar.find("pressed", true); if(!viewType || (viewType.length == 0)){ return; } viewType = viewType[0]; var rec = store.getAt(index); var path = rec.id + "/jcr:content/metadata.json"; //get the metadata of asset as json $.ajax({ url: path, dataType: "json", success: function(data){ if(!data || data.length == 0){ return; } var nodeValue = "<div>"; for(var x in dNames){ if(dNames.hasOwnProperty(x) && data[x]){ nodeValue = nodeValue + "<b>" + dNames[x] + "</b>:" + data[x] + "<br>"; } } node.metaAdded = true; nodeValue = nodeValue + "</div>"; if(viewType.iconCls == "cq-cft-dataview-mosaic"){ var attrs = node.children[0].attributes; CQ.Ext.each(attrs, function(attr){ if(attr.nodeName == "ext:qtip"){ attr.nodeValue = nodeValue; } }); }else{ var qTip = document.createAttribute("ext:qtip"); qTip.nodeValue = nodeValue; node.attributes.setNamedItem(qTip); } } }); }); } }; (function(){ var c = MyClientLib.ContentFinder; if( window.location.pathname == "/cf" ){ var INTERVAL = setInterval(function(){ var tabPanel = CQ.Ext.getCmp(CQ.wcm.ContentFinder.TABPANEL_ID); if(tabPanel){ clearInterval(INTERVAL); c.addImagesMetadata(); } }, 250); } })();
Hi Sreekanth,
ReplyDeleteI tried the above mentioned steps. However, could not get that to work on my local OOTB instance.
Can you please let me know if there is anything else that needs to be done, to get this working.