Disable Geometrixx site nodes in the left tree of siteadmin Websites console. Package available for install
This post is for demonstration purposes only. Ideally, on production systems, the Geometrixx nodes should be completely uninstalled
1) Login to CRXDE Lite, create folder (nt:folder) /apps/sadisabletreenodes
2) Create clientlib (type cq:ClientLibraryFolder) /apps/sadisabletreenodes/clientlib and set a property categories of String type to cq.widgets
3) Create file ( type nt:file ) /apps/sadisabletreenodes/clientlib/js.txt, add the following
4) Create file ( type nt:file ) /apps/sadisabletreenodes/clientlib/disabletreenodes.js, add the following code
CQ.Ext.ns("MyClientLib"); MyClientLib.SiteAdmin = { SA_TREE: "cq-siteadmin-tree", disableGeometrixx: function(tree){ if(!tree){ return; } var node = tree.getRootNode(); node.on('expand',function(){ CQ.Ext.each(this.childNodes, function(cNode){ var disable = cNode.attributes["name"].indexOf("geometrixx") == 0; if(disable === true){ cNode.setCls("x-item-disabled"); var disableFn = function(){ return false; }; cNode.on('beforeclick', disableFn); cNode.on('beforedblclick', disableFn); cNode.on('beforeexpand', disableFn); cNode.on('beforecollapse', disableFn); cNode.on('beforeinsert', disableFn); cNode.on('beforemove', disableFn); cNode.on('beforeremove', disableFn); } }); }); //collapse and expand to fire the expand event, node.collapse(); node.expand(); } }; (function(){ if(window.location.pathname == "/siteadmin"){ var INTERVAL = setInterval(function(){ var s = MyClientLib.SiteAdmin; var tree = CQ.Ext.getCmp(s.SA_TREE); if(tree){ clearInterval(INTERVAL); s.disableGeometrixx(tree); } }, 250); } })();
How to hide the node which you have disabled?