Add a column Path, to the Sites List View (the other two views are Card and Column) of Touch UI. Check this post for adding a column to the SiteAdmin grid of Classic UI
For adding a column to AEM 61 List View check this post
Demo | Package Install
1) Login to CRXDE Lite, create folder (nt:folder) /apps/touchui-add-column-to-sites-list
2) Create clientlib (type cq:ClientLibraryFolder) /apps/touchui-add-column-to-sites-list/clientlib and set a property categories of String type to granite.ui.foundation.admin
3) Create file ( type nt:file ) /apps/touchui-add-column-to-sites-list/clientlib/css.txt, add the following
4) Create file ( type nt:file ) /apps/touchui-add-column-to-sites-list/clientlib/add-path-column.css, add the following code (style for Path column)
.list .card-page .eaem-path-column{ position:relative; float:left; width: 32%; }
5) Create file ( type nt:file ) /apps/touchui-add-column-to-sites-list/clientlib/js.txt, add the following
6) Create file ( type nt:file ) /apps/touchui-add-column-to-sites-list/clientlib/add-path-column.js, add the following code
(function (document, $) { "use strict"; var FOUNDATION_LAYOUT_LIST = ".foundation-layout-list"; var SITE_ADMIN_CHILD_PAGES = "cq-siteadmin-admin-childpages"; var TITLE_SELECTOR = "[data-title='Title']"; var ARTICLE_TITLE_SELECTOR = ".label .main"; $(document).on("foundation-mode-change", function(e, mode, group){ //not on sites list, may be assets, return if((group != SITE_ADMIN_CHILD_PAGES) || (mode == "selection") ){ return; } //group is cq-siteadmin-admin-childpages for sites var $collection = $(".foundation-collection[data-foundation-mode-group=" + group + "]"); if (!$collection.is(FOUNDATION_LAYOUT_LIST)) { return; } //adjust the width of title column to accommodate Path column $(".list .card-page .main").css("width", "33%"); var $hTitle = $("." + SITE_ADMIN_CHILD_PAGES).find("header").find(TITLE_SELECTOR); //add Path column to header $hTitle.after( $("<div/>").attr('class', 'eaem-path-column') .attr('data-sort-selector', ".label .eaem-path-column h4") .attr('data-title', "Path").html("Path")); var $pathElement; $("article").each(function(index, article){ var $article = $(article); $pathElement = $("<div/>").attr('class', 'eaem-path-column') .append($("<h4/>").attr("class", "foundation-collection-item-title") .html($article.data("path"))); //insert path after title $article.find(ARTICLE_TITLE_SELECTOR).after($pathElement); }) }); })(document, jQuery);
This looks much cleaner https://github.com/Adobe-Marketing-Cloud/aem-sites-extension-listview-columns.
ReplyDeletei want to know how exactly submit button on forms getting triggered to debug.