Extend User Properties of Classic UI to enforce a Simple Password Policy. The validation checks if user has entered atleast one number in password, while creating a new user or changing password of existing user
For Touch UI check this post
For product password validation provider, check this post
Demo | Package Install
Create User
Change Password
1) Login to CRXDE Lite, create folder (nt:folder) /apps/classic-ui-password-policy
2) Create clientlib (type cq:ClientLibraryFolder) /apps/classic-ui-password-policy/clientlib and set a property categories of String type to cq.widgets
3) Create file ( type nt:file ) /apps/classic-ui-password-policy/clientlib/js.txt, add the following
4) Create file (type nt:file) /apps/classic-ui-password-policy/clientlib/policy.js, add the following code
(function(){ if(window.location.pathname != "/useradmin"){ return; } //password validation text var POLICY_TEXT = "New Password must contain atleast one number"; //add your policy implementation logic in the below function returning true/false function isValidPassword(text){ if(!text){ return false; } //check for number in text return /\d/.test(text); } var UA_INTERVAL = setInterval(function(){ var userAdmin = CQ.Ext.getCmp("cq-useradmin"); if(userAdmin && userAdmin.userProperties){ clearInterval(UA_INTERVAL); var pwdButton = userAdmin.userProperties.pwdButtons.get(0); pwdButton.on("click", function(){ findDialog("Set Password"); }); addPolicyToCreateUser(userAdmin); } }, 250); function addPolicyToCreateUser(userAdmin){ var menu = null; try{ menu = userAdmin.list.actions.edit.menu; }catch(err){ console.log("Error reading menu"); } var createMenu = menu.findBy(function(comp){ return comp.text === "Create"; })[0]; var createUserItem = createMenu.menu.findBy(function(comp){ return comp.text === "Create User"; })[0]; createUserItem.on("click", function(){ findDialog("Create User"); }); } function findDialog(title){ var wMgr = CQ.Ext.WindowMgr; //get the set password dialog from window manager; could not find dialog reference in userAdmin.userProperties var W_INTERVAL = setInterval(function () { wMgr.each(function (win) { if (win.title !== title) { return; } clearInterval(W_INTERVAL); addPolicyText(win); addValidationHandler(win); }); }, 250); } function addPolicyText(passwordWin){ if(!passwordWin){ return; } var panel = passwordWin.items.get(0); panel.body.insertHtml("afterBegin", "<div style='text-align:center; font-style: italic'>" + POLICY_TEXT + "</div>"); } function addValidationHandler(passwordWin){ passwordWin.on("beforesubmit", function(){ var passField = this.findBy(function(comp){ return comp.name == "rep:password"; })[0]; if(!isValidPassword(passField.getValue())){ CQ.Ext.Msg.show({ title: "Error", msg: POLICY_TEXT, buttons: CQ.Ext.Msg.OK, icon: CQ.Ext.Msg.ERROR}); return false; } return true; }) } }());
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