Extend Parsys (/libs/foundation/components/parsys) to configure placeholder text, background and border colors
For a similar extension in Touch UI check this post
A simple version for ClassicUI is here
Demo | Package Install
Parsys - Design Mode
Stored in CRX
Parsys - Edit Mode
1) Login to CRXDE Lite, create folder (nt:folder) /apps/classicui-configure-parsys-text-color
2) Create clientlib (type cq:ClientLibraryFolder) /apps/classicui-configure-parsys-text-color/clientlib and set property categories of String type to cq.widgets and dependencies to underscore
3) Create file ( type nt:file ) /apps/classicui-configure-parsys-text-color/clientlib/js.txt, add the following
4) Create file ( type nt:file ) /apps/classicui-configure-parsys-text-color/clientlib/configure-parsys.js, add the following code
(function(){ var PARSYS_DESIGN_DIALOG = "/libs/foundation/components/parsys/design_dialog", PARSYS_PLACEHOLDER_TEXT = "parsysPlaceholderText", PARSYS_TEXT_COLOR = "parsysTextColor", PARSYS_BG_COLOR = "parsysBackgroundColor", PARSYS_BORDER_COLOR = "parsysBorderColor", designExtended = false; CQ.Ext.onReady(function () { if(CQ.WCM.isEditMode()){ handleEditMode(); } if(CQ.WCM.isDesignMode()){ handleDesignMode(); } }); function handleDesignMode(){ if( designExtended === true ){ return; } extendShowDialog(); } function handleEditMode(){ CQ.WCM.on("editablesready", configureParsys, this); } function isParsysNew(editable){ return _.isObject(editable.params) && (editable.params["./sling:resourceType"] == CQ.wcm.EditBase.PARSYS_NEW); } function configureParsys(){ var parsyses = getParsyses(), placeholder, $placeholder, $pContainer, designConfig; _.each(parsyses, function(parsys){ if(!parsys.emptyComponent) { return; } designConfig = getConfiguration(parsys); placeholder = parsys.emptyComponent.findByType("static")[0]; $placeholder = $(placeholder.el.dom); $pContainer = $placeholder.closest(".cq-editrollover-insert-container"); if(designConfig[PARSYS_PLACEHOLDER_TEXT]){ $placeholder.html(designConfig[PARSYS_PLACEHOLDER_TEXT]); } if(designConfig[PARSYS_TEXT_COLOR]){ $placeholder.css("color", getColor(designConfig[PARSYS_TEXT_COLOR])); } if(designConfig[PARSYS_BG_COLOR]){ $pContainer.css("background-color", getColor(designConfig[PARSYS_BG_COLOR])); } if(designConfig[PARSYS_BORDER_COLOR]){ var color = getColor(designConfig[PARSYS_BORDER_COLOR]); parsys.highlight.on("beforeshow", function(highlight){ $("#" + highlight.id).css("background-color", color); }) } }); } function getColor(color){ color = color.trim(); if(color.indexOf("#") !== 0){ color = "#" + color; } return color; } function getConfiguration(editComponent) { var pageInfo = CQ.utils.WCM.getPageInfo(editComponent.path), designConfig = {}, cellSearchPath, parentPath, parName; if (!pageInfo || !pageInfo.designObject) { return; } try { cellSearchPath = editComponent.cellSearchPath; parentPath = editComponent.getParent().path; cellSearchPath = cellSearchPath.substring(0, cellSearchPath.indexOf("|")); parName = parentPath.substring(parentPath.lastIndexOf("/") + 1); designConfig = pageInfo.designObject.content[cellSearchPath][parName]; } catch (err) { console.log("Error getting parsys configuration", err); } return designConfig; } function getParsyses(){ var parsyses = {}; _.each(CQ.WCM.getEditables(), function(e){ if(!isParsysNew(e)){ return; } parsyses[e.path] = e; }); return parsyses; } function extendShowDialog(){ CQ.wcm.EditBase.showDialog = (function(showDialogFn) { return function(editComponent, type, ignoreIsContainer){ if(editComponent.dialog !== PARSYS_DESIGN_DIALOG){ return; } var isFirstRun = !editComponent.dialogs[CQ.wcm.EditBase.EDIT]; showDialogFn.call(this, editComponent, type, ignoreIsContainer); if(isFirstRun){ editComponent.getEditDialog().on("loadcontent", extendParsysDialog); } } }(CQ.wcm.EditBase.showDialog)); } function extendParsysDialog(dialog){ $.ajax( dialog.path + ".2.json" ).done(handler); function handler(data){ dialog.un("loadcontent", extendParsysDialog); var parsysPlaceholderText = new CQ.Ext.form.TextField({ value: data[PARSYS_PLACEHOLDER_TEXT] || "", fieldLabel: "Parsys Text", name: "./" + PARSYS_PLACEHOLDER_TEXT, style: { marginBottom: '10px' } }); var colorConfig = { showHexValue: true, editable: true, style: { marginBottom: '10px' } }; var parsysTextColor = new CQ.form.ColorField(_.extend({ fieldLabel: "Parsys Text Color", name: "./" + PARSYS_TEXT_COLOR }, colorConfig)); var parsysBackgroundColor = new CQ.form.ColorField(_.extend({ fieldLabel: "Parsys Background Color", name: "./" + PARSYS_BG_COLOR }, colorConfig)); var parsysBorderColor = new CQ.form.ColorField(_.extend({ fieldLabel: "Parsys Border Color", name: "./" + PARSYS_BORDER_COLOR }, colorConfig)); var compSelector = dialog.findByType("componentselector")[0], ownerCt = compSelector.ownerCt; ownerCt.insert(2, parsysBorderColor); ownerCt.insert(2, parsysBackgroundColor); ownerCt.insert(2, parsysTextColor); ownerCt.insert(2, parsysPlaceholderText); ownerCt.doLayout(); parsysTextColor.setValue(data[PARSYS_TEXT_COLOR] || ""); parsysBackgroundColor.setValue(data[PARSYS_BG_COLOR] || ""); parsysBorderColor.setValue(data[PARSYS_BORDER_COLOR] || ""); } } }());
HI Sreekanth,
ReplyDeleteVery Nice post. But when I installed the given package my other component's design dialog is not getting open .
Pls help .
Kanak, would you be able to record the steps, share video and the other component package install
DeleteHi Sreekanth, I just installed the given package and opened a Geometrixx Page , but when i swithed to design mode in classic UI and try to edit breadcrumb component , its design dialog is not opening and same for other components but only parsys design dialog is opening.