Limit number of components added in a parsys, where the limit is configurable in design dialog
For a different implementation (configure component limit in each page) - check this post
For TouchUI check this post
Demo | Package Install
Parsys Limit - Design Mode (added by Extension)
Stored in CRX
Limit Exceeded - Drag and Drop
Limit Exceeded - New menu item disabled
1) Login to CRXDE Lite, create folder (nt:folder) /apps/classicui-design-configurable-limit-parsys
2) Create clientlib (type cq:ClientLibraryFolder) /apps/classicui-design-configurable-limit-parsys/clientlib and set property categories of String type to cq.widgets and dependencies to underscore
3) Create file ( type nt:file ) /apps/classicui-design-configurable-limit-parsys/clientlib/js.txt, add the following
4) Create file ( type nt:file ) /apps/classicui-design-configurable-limit-parsys/clientlib/limit-parsys.js, add the following code
(function(){ var PARSYS_DESIGN_DIALOG = "/libs/foundation/components/parsys/design_dialog", PARSYS_LIMIT = "eaemComponentLimit"; CQ.Ext.onReady(function () { if(CQ.WCM.isEditMode()){ handleEditMode(); } if(CQ.WCM.isDesignMode()){ handleDesignMode(); } }); function handleDesignMode(){ extendShowDialog(); } function handleEditMode(){ CQ.WCM.on("editablesready", applyLimitAndExtendDrop, this); } function getSiblings(editable){ var parent, siblings = []; _.each(CQ.WCM.getEditables(), function(e){ parent = e.getParent(); if(!parent || (parent.path !== editable.getParent().path)){ return; } siblings.push(e); }); return siblings; } function isWithinLimit(editComponent){ var pageInfo = CQ.utils.WCM.getPageInfo(editComponent.path), isWithin = true, currentLimit = "", cellSearchPath, parentPath, parName; if(!pageInfo || !pageInfo.designObject){ return; } try{ cellSearchPath = editComponent.cellSearchPath; parentPath = editComponent.getParent().path; cellSearchPath = cellSearchPath.substring(0, cellSearchPath.indexOf("|")); parName = parentPath.substring(parentPath.lastIndexOf("/") + 1); currentLimit = pageInfo.designObject.content[cellSearchPath][parName][PARSYS_LIMIT]; if(currentLimit){ isWithin = getSiblings(editComponent).length <= parseInt(currentLimit); } }catch(err){ console.log("Experience AEM - Error getting the component limit", err); } return { isWithin: isWithin, currentLimit: currentLimit }; } function extendDrop(dropFn){ return function(dragSource, e, data){ var limit = isWithinLimit(this.editComponent); if(!limit.isWithin){ this.editComponent.hideTarget(); CQ.Ext.Msg.alert('Error', "Limit exceeded, allowed - " + limit.currentLimit); return false; } return dropFn.call(this, dragSource, e, data); }; } function disableNewMenuItem(){ var component = this.element.linkedEditComponent; if (!component || !component.menuComponent) { return; } var menu = component.menuComponent; if (menu.eaemLimitSet) { return; } menu.eaemLimitSet = true; var limit = isWithinLimit(this); var newItem = menu.findBy(function(comp){ return comp.text === "New..."; })[0]; if(!limit.isWithin){ newItem.setDisabled(true); } } function isParsysNew(editable){ return _.isObject(editable.params) && (editable.params["./sling:resourceType"] == CQ.wcm.EditBase.PARSYS_NEW); } function applyLimitAndExtendDrop() { var editables = CQ.utils.WCM.getEditables(); _.each(editables, function (editable) { if (isParsysNew(editable)) { editable.emptyComponent.el.on("contextmenu", disableNewMenuItem, editable); } var dropTargets = editable.getDropTargets(); if(_.isEmpty(dropTargets)){ return; } dropTargets[0].notifyDrop = extendDrop(dropTargets[0].notifyDrop); }); } function extendShowDialog(){ CQ.wcm.EditBase.showDialog = (function(showDialogFn) { return function(editComponent, type, ignoreIsContainer){ if(editComponent.dialog !== PARSYS_DESIGN_DIALOG){ return; } var isFirstRun = !editComponent.dialogs[CQ.wcm.EditBase.EDIT]; showDialogFn.call(this, editComponent, type, ignoreIsContainer); if(isFirstRun){ editComponent.getEditDialog().on("loadcontent", extendParsysDialog); } } }(CQ.wcm.EditBase.showDialog)); } function extendParsysDialog(dialog){ $.ajax( dialog.path + ".2.json" ).done(handler); function handler(data){ dialog.un("loadcontent", extendParsysDialog); var limitField = new CQ.Ext.form.TextField({ value: data[PARSYS_LIMIT] || "", fieldLabel: "Component Limit", name: "./" + PARSYS_LIMIT, style: { marginBottom: '10px' } }); var compSelector = dialog.findByType("componentselector")[0], ownerCt = compSelector.ownerCt; ownerCt.insert(2, limitField); ownerCt.doLayout(); } } }());
ReplyDeleteI have come across a requirement like component need to be locked if anyone is working on that component. i.e it should get locked if any one working on it so that nobody wil work on the component simultaneously . Is this possible to achieve?
I have installed the package but it is not saving the value of the field "eaemComponentLimit" in my case.
ReplyDelete"Error: Experience AEM - Error getting the component limit TypeError: Cannot read property 'eaemComponentLimit' of undefined(…)"