Add Coral Select - granite/ui/components/coral/foundation/form/select to Assets Console Action bar to start workflow on selected assets
For adding a button to 61 Assets action bar check this post
Demo | Package Install
1) Login to CRX DE Lite http://localhost:4502/crx/de/index.jsp and create nt:folder /apps/eaem-assets-action-bar-start-workflow
2) Create sling:Folder /apps/eaem-assets-action-bar-start-workflow/button and nt:unstructured /apps/eaem-assets-action-bar-start-workflow/button/model for rendering start workflow coral select, with the following structure
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <jcr:root xmlns:sling="http://sling.apache.org/jcr/sling/1.0" xmlns:jcr="http://www.jcp.org/jcr/1.0" xmlns:nt="http://www.jcp.org/jcr/nt/1.0" jcr:primaryType="nt:unstructured" sling:resourceType="granite/ui/components/coral/foundation/form/select" emptyText="Select a Workflow Model" workflowtags="[dam]"> <datasource jcr:primaryType="nt:unstructured" sling:resourceType="cq/gui/components/coral/common/admin/timeline/events/workflow/datasources/models"/> </jcr:root>
3) Create a clientlib (type cq:ClientLibraryFolder) /apps/eaem-assets-action-bar-start-workflow/clientlib with categories - dam.gui.admin.util and dependencies - [underscore]
4) Create file /apps/eaem-assets-action-bar-start-workflow/clientlib/js.txt with the following content
5) Create file /apps/eaem-assets-action-bar-start-workflow/clientlib/start-workflow.js, add the following code
(function ($, $document) { // cq-damadmin-admin-actions-share-activator // defined here /libs/dam/gui/content/commons/sidepanels/search/items/searchpanel/result/header/items/selection/items/editasset var SHARE_ACTIVATOR = "cq-damadmin-admin-actions-share-activator", BUTTON_HTML_URL = "/apps/eaem-assets-action-bar-start-workflow/button/model.html", added = false; $document.on("foundation-mode-change", function(e, mode){ if(added || (mode !== "selection") ){ return; } added = true; $.ajax(BUTTON_HTML_URL).done(addButton); }); function addButton(html){ var $eActivator = $("." + SHARE_ACTIVATOR); if ($eActivator.length == 0) { return; } var $startWorkflow = $(html).css("margin-left", "20px").insertBefore( $eActivator ); CUI.Select.init($startWorkflow, $document); var cuiSelect = $startWorkflow.data("select"); cuiSelect.on('coral-select:change', handleSelect); } function handleSelect(){ var selection = this._getSelection(); if(_.isEmpty(selection)){ return; } var wSelect = this, model = selection.value, wTitle = $(selection).html(), paths = [], $items = $(".foundation-collection").find(".foundation-selections-item"); $items.each(function(index, item) { paths.push($(item).data("foundation-collection-item-id")); }); function startWorkflow(){ var data = [{name: "_charset_", value: "utf-8"}, {name: ":status", value: "browser"}, {name: "payloadType", value: "JCR_PATH"}, {name: "model", value: model}]; _.each(paths, function(path){ data.push( { name: "payload", value: path} ) }); $.ajax( { url: "/etc/workflow/instances" , type: "post", data: data}).done(function(){ showMessage("Success", "Workflow initiated"); wSelect.clear(); }) } showConfirmation("Workflow", "Run workflow '" + wTitle + "' on selected items?", startWorkflow); } function showMessage(title, message){ $(window).adaptTo('foundation-ui').prompt(title, message, "notice", [{ primary: true, text: Granite.I18n.get('OK') }]); } function showConfirmation(title, message, handler){ var cancel = { text: Granite.I18n.get('Cancel') }; var ok = { text: Granite.I18n.get('OK'), primary: true, handler: handler }; $(window).adaptTo('foundation-ui').prompt(title, message, 'warning', [cancel, ok ]); } })(jQuery, jQuery(document));
Hi sir,
ReplyDeleteMay I know if this demo is no longer compatible in AEM 6.3? I tried installing it and it does not seem to be working anymore. The workflow dropdown is still showing, however when I select any of the workflows, the pop up modal is not showing.
Tried this on AEM 6.2 and it worked like charm.