Add a filter function to the Touch UI Path browser widget to filter the results shown in autocomplete dropdown and picker columns. For autocomplete, the results returned as valid by the isValid() function are shown; for picker the results returned by isValid() are enabled (other column values remain disabled)
In the demo, Link to (path browser widget) of Image Component is automatically set to the current page path and the goal is to make sure user can select only the parent, current page path or sub paths
Demo | Package Install
Filtered Autocomplete Results
Disabled Picker Columns
1) Login to CRXDE Lite (http://localhost:4502/crx/de) and create folder /apps/eaem-touchui-pathbrowser-filter-results
2) Create node /apps/eaem-touchui-pathbrowser-filter-results/clientlib of type cq:ClientLibraryFolder and add a String property categories with value cq.authoring.dialog and dependencies to underscore
3) Create file (nt:file) /apps/eaem-touchui-pathbrowser-filter-results/clientlib/js.txt and add
4) Create file (nt:file) /apps/eaem-touchui-pathbrowser-filter-results/clientlib/pathbrowser-filter.js and add the following code
(function ($, $document, gAuthor) { var LINK_URL = "./linkURL", COMPONENT = "foundation/components/image"; if(!gAuthor){ return; } $document.on('dialog-ready', handlePathBrowser); function handlePathBrowser(){ var $linkUrl = $("[name='" + LINK_URL + "']"), editable = gAuthor.DialogFrame.currentDialog.editable; //if not an image component dialog, return if((editable.type !== COMPONENT) || _.isEmpty($linkUrl)){ return; } var cuiPathBrowser = $linkUrl.closest(".coral-PathBrowser").data("pathBrowser"); if(!cuiPathBrowser){ return; } //set the default value to current page path setDefaultValue(cuiPathBrowser); //handle inline autocomplete results extendOptionLoader(cuiPathBrowser); //handle picker columns extendPicker(cuiPathBrowser); } //extend picker to disable columns function extendPicker(cuiPathBrowser){ var cuiPicker = cuiPathBrowser.$picker.data("picker"); cuiPathBrowser.$button.on("click", function() { setTimeout(function(){ if(!cuiPicker.columnView){ console.log("EAEM - could not initialize column view"); return; } extendColumnView(cuiPicker.columnView); }, 200); }); } function extendColumnView(columnView){ function handler(){ var $items = columnView.$element.find(".coral-ColumnView-item"), $item; $items.each(function(index, item){ $item = $(item); if(isValid($item.data("value"))){ return; } //remove href link to make it disabled $item.attr("data-href", "").css("background-color", "#AAAAAA"); }); } handler(); columnView.$element.on('coral-columnview-load', handler); columnView.$element.on('coral-columnview-item-select', handler); } function setDefaultValue(cuiPathBrowser){ //set the default path to current page path cuiPathBrowser._setInputValue(gAuthor.getPageInfoLocation(), true); } function extendOptionLoader(cuiPathBrowser){ var optionLoader = cuiPathBrowser.optionLoader; cuiPathBrowser.optionLoader = function(path, callback){ optionLoader.call(this, path, function(data){ callback(dataFilter(path,data)); }); }; } //filter results function function dataFilter(path, data){ var filteredData = []; _.each(data, function(value){ if(!isValid(path + "/" + value)){ return; } filteredData.push(value); }); return filteredData; } //if the search result is not sub path of current page path, consider it invalid function isValid(relPath){ var pagePath = gAuthor.getPageInfoLocation(); if(relPath.length > pagePath.length){ if(relPath.indexOf(pagePath) !== 0){ return false; } }else{ if(pagePath.indexOf(relPath) !== 0){ return false; } } return true; } }(jQuery, jQuery(document), Granite.author));
Hi, I am looking at your post, Everything is working but I want to know how can I connect this js file to my AutoComplete Field